Saturday, October 31, 2009

Random Thoughts 10/31/09 for Pink Saturday

First of all, there has been an update to my Blogging Tutorial on my side bar. If you'd like to add my button to YOUR sidebar, just copy and paste the HTML into your HTML/JavaScript gadget and to learn how to do it for your OWN sidebar just go to the tutorial, which I updated a few days ago, and it is explained in detail there.

Happy Pink Saturday! I think these are my favorite things to do. Go visit Beverly at Howsweetthesound to visit all participants on this day. Last week I visited Riverside Studios as the one I hadn't visited before as per Beverly's request. Cute blog so give her a visit and say hello to a Texas gal!

As you might have guessed by now if you've read "th' blog" a while I have a lot of random thoughts. Yessssss, I certainly do. I just never know what will pop into this head at the most inconvenient times let alone the "convenient" times.

Sometimes people ask me what I do all day since our kids are grown and have kids of their own (this has been discussed on here before so this is for the new readers because we ALL know no one goes back and reads the old posts but I have done that one time for a chick that was absolutely hilarious; I read every single one of hers from the beginning!) and all they need to do is follow me around the house one day and I promise you'll collapse either from fatigue or boredom and yes, young mothers, there is hope for you because the kids DO leave home and then you get all that time to yourself just like ME! Is that one of the longest run-on sentences ever or what?!

Anyway, I was doing this little birdhouse to either give away in a blog post, stash around the house with the other birdhouses or gift to someone who captures my heart. While doing aforementioned crafting (yes, this is what I do a lot of besides decorating "th' house" or cooking for Love Bunny, running to WM at least 3 times a week, working on blogs, talking to son or daughter, making the cutest aprons ever, thinking up things for "th' hubs" to do, perfecting my photography skills, making templates on my computer—squeeeeeeal, because I love computers almost as much as Love Bunny—or spray painting something to sit in my closet until I decide what to do with it or then give it away because I've decided I'll never get around to "doing" something with it), Second longest run-on sentence ever, right?! :-) I had several thoughts you'll read below while showing you how I do my birdhouses.

Cute, huh?

Random Thoughts:

Why is it that just after you clean the medicine shelves and throw away all those things you just know are never ever going to be used again, the next week you need them and have to go buy more. This has happened numerous times and just the past week since that's why it is so fresh in my mind.
I saw an ad in a magazine recently—full page ad—and it had a woman holding the item for sale. She had on a spaghetti strap top and saggy jeans but her bra strap was showing. Now, I ask you: would you buy something from a company who had a woman with her bra straps showing? I doubt that I would. Where has modesty gone in this country? I don't wanna see your thongs either. We were eating lunch out and a wedding reception was being held there. One of the guests rose from her chair and I saw a good portion of her thong. She was in jeans. Am I old fashioned or what because I dress up when we go to a wedding. The occasion calls for it!

Uptalk! For those of you who do not understand what it is, "uptalk" is the common practice of the new generations to "upspeak" or HRI which is "high rising intonation." Ending sentences so as to sound like a question. All you have to do is listen to about 95% of the English language being spoken now but especially teenagers. They have no clue how to speak. I blame this on the educational system not teaching proper grammar among other things but we won't go into that. The voice rises toward the end of the sentence making it sound like a question. You'll hear it in every segment of society and it just seems to have seeped over to the older generation now. I watch how I speak very carefully and have to correct Love Bunny frequently as this is very contagious. Since I don't go out of the country anymore I just wonder if it is in other culture's language also.

A couple of weeks ago I had my hair cut and I thought it smelled especially nice but when I asked hubby what he thought of the smell he thought it smelled like beeswax. Now, Karli always uses the best smelling stuff on my hair when she cuts it but this got me to thinking. What exactly does beeswax smell like? I don't know but I doubt it smells like my shampoo.

I am a creature of habit; I admit it freely. When I want to read I get some pretzels and a glass of Pepsi and sit in my favorite chair, turn on the light and pick up the book usually sitting on my side table. The other day I sat down and didn't realize the light was on and switched it off because of my habit orderliness. I had to turn it back on. This has been know to happen when I groom each morning and brush my teeth out of order and have brushed them twice because of my "order of things."

Once in a while we go out for a treat at Dairy Queen. Again, creature of habit! I order a vanilla cone dipped in chocolate. Hubs orders his favorite thing every time also. Conversation the other night while sitting at DQ.

She: What did you get?

He: Blizzard.

She: Noooo no noooooo,
I mean what flavor?!!!!

He always orders a blizzard just different flavors. He'll answer the question knowing that I know what he always orders and can recognize the cup. DUH!!! Men still don't get it!


  1. Oh Connie sweetie,
    I so loved this random thoughts post for our Pink Saturday. It was absolutely precious and oh so true.

    Aren't we creatures of habits? I too, always order the same thing at Dairy Queen. I love their Dilly Bars. Just so scrumptous.

    I too am so tired of hearing people answer a question with a question so to speak? They make it sound like a darn question. Drives me banannas.

    What happened to women wanting the man to wonder about what is under that article of clothing? Today everything just hangs out all over. I am tired of seeing thongs with butt cracks in the store, and jeans and halter type shirts at church for gosh sakes. What happened to dressing up on Sunday, going to church and then out to Dinner? What has happened to us? I just do not know.

    You got my mind swimming tonight. Connie sweetie thanks for sharing. I loved this post. Great minds think alike.

    Happy Halloween sweetie. Have you gone through your candy bucket and eaten all the good stuff out yet? Country hugs and love, Sherry

  2. what a stunning bird house it looks like a big frothy cup cake good enough to eat:)

  3. Silly Connie. You post the cutest things. I get a chuckle out of your ramdom thoughts as I tend to agree with all of them. And if you can't dress up for a wedding, well then when would you dress up? I mean really! I love the bird houses - so pink and cute!!!

    Well enjoy your weekend girl. Hugs...Tracy :)

  4. Good Morning My Friend

    Thanks for the chuckle. I loved this post, kinda like a Sienfeld episode:)


  5. You are ALWAYS one of the best treats in Blogland! Oh....and WHAT flavor was that blizzard?

  6. Good morning, Connie. That bird house is really cute and I loved your ransom thoughts. The one about the medicine cabinet really hit home. I hope you are having a wonderful Pink Saturday.

  7. Connie, I hope my first response made it through to you. Happy Pink Saturday.

  8. Oh what a sweet little birdhouse!

    Happy PS!

  9. Happy Pink Saturday! The birdhouse is so cute!! Have a great day!

  10. I love your birdhouse! I too am a creature of habit - does that happen at a certain age? I would forget what I was doing if I don't do things in order. How sad! Happy Pink Saturday and thanks for visiting me.

  11. Enjoyed reading through your random thoughts. And I guess I just ditto Sherry on the clothing thang, the order the same thang thang, and too cute are your birdie houses and aprons.
    But the one thing I wonder about is those folks that ask...what do you do all day now that the kids are gone. Although mine is home for a few more years (he just turned 17) I am going and blowing all the time. Life has so much to experience. Glad I stopped by to see what's up in your corner of the world today.
    Happy PINK Saturday ;-)

  12. Bravo! I am with you on your random modesty and how can there be ROMANCE with everything out there???? Jeans hanging down below you know where....sloppy shirts and the list goes on and lets not forget language, too...Yuck! Wish that one word had never been invented and everytime I hear a young person, or any person for that matter utter it I want to turn around and slap them!
    You got me started...
    Great post and HAPPY PINK SATURDAY and have a fun Halloween...I still have to run out and get candy. lol!

  13. Oh...I forgot your birdhouse as you got my mind to going with your random is as cute as can be and it is not an easy thing getting that fabric to fit...I know!

  14. That bird house is so darling! Happy Pink Saturday!

  15. Connie, thanks for the mention of my blog...I've had several nice visits via you...and I enjoyed the birdhouse how-to...I have done a series using vintage books...yours have much more detail...way cute.
    Your random thoughts are right-on. I agree about the bizarre need to display underwear...the boys are just as bad with their britches below their bottom. I cannot understand how they keep their pants from falling down...I saw a young man in Wal-Mart with his phone in one hand and his belt in the other..."Hitch in your belt!" I wanted to did he expect to pick up the six pack he had come in for? Oh, well, it gives Hubby and me lots to laugh about and enables us to feel smug in spite of our slower gait. At least our pants wouldn't fall down if we could sprint...Happy Pink Saturday. I enjoyed the visit. LaVerne in Texas

  16. Oh Connie, I love your post! Your random thoughts are always so entertaining!

    As a Voice/Speech teacher (to actors) I can tell you that the uptalk drives me nuts! I hear it all the time and especially so when I was living and working in southern California. It was everywhere. It seems to be a crutch used in order to avoid committing to what one is saying.

    Thongs in public. No. No. I am always so embarrassed when I see them. Is it supposed to be attractive? I find it the exact opposite.

    Oh, and I have had the same medicine cabinet experience!

    I love your birdhouses - they are so pretty!


  17. you make me laugh..I always love reading your random long will you be here in washington if the weather is decent? it would be so nice to meet up somewhere to say hi...have a wonderful weekend...I love my blizzards too..we love oreo cookie/reeses..yum...;) but I do love a good dipped cone anyday..:)

  18. Oh, Connie, it's all so true! The uptalk is so annoying. Combine that with sprinkling the word 'like' throughout every sentence and it's amazing teenagers can communicate at all!

    And the public display of underwear is just wrong in every way. And don't get me started on the guys who wear their pants hanging way south of their hind ends! I don't want to see that! And, usually, the behavior matches the dress. There is no such thing as decorum anymore. Woe is me.

    On the other hand - you made a darling birdhouse!

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  19. The birdhouse is so cute! And I haven't been to the DQ in ages. Time for a dipped cone!

  20. Happy Pink ST Connie,Love your birdhouses they are just adorable.The ribbon is so pretty looks just like real icing.Hugs!Jen
    Happy Halloween

  21. Connie, If you having any problems deciding where that awesome birdhouse needs to go..... I'm just sayin'...

    Too darn cute and so frilly and ruffly. I love it.

    Now I want to go to Dairy Queen and get a mixed choc/van cone dipped in chocolate. lol

    xo Cath

  22. Connie,

    Happy PiNk Saturday and Halloween to you.

    I think that all of us with the *need to create* have these random thoughts....I finally put a journal next to the bed so if something jolts me I can write it down so the thought will not be gone in the morning. I think that writers do this too...I've even read of placing a chalkboard up to record ramdom thoughts. I think someone may take me to the crazy house if they read all of my random thoughts..hehe

    The birdhouse is adorable!!
    Drop by for my PiNk Saturday Halloween post..

    Scatter Bliss...

  23. Fascinating post, and so true on so many levels. Uptalk - I think it started in Australia. Everything they say seems to end in a question. I've also noticed it in one of our regional accents - people in Liverpool (UK) and it does seem to be in that district only. But... as you say, it's catching, unfortunately. Ditto Valley Speak. I'm 57, speak correctly, English English (UK, no regional accent) and find I'm adding the word "Like" to everything. Like, you know what I'm saying? Like, goodness, here I am doing it again!

    Happy Halloween and Spooky Pink Saturday!

  24. Yes, it is VERY Cute Chickie !!! How is your son doing ? And Nan ? Miss you !!! Happy Pink Saturday !!

  25. Sweetest Connie...

    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your birdhouse. What a fantastic little work of art!

    Yep, language and attire....things just aren't what they used to be, are they? There are several HGTV shows from Toronto and I'm always amused by the cadence of their speech and, as you call it, upspeak. Odd, I must say....especially when a fellow is doing it.

    Happy Pink Saturday to you!


  26. Cay-ute bird house,Connie! Happy Pink Saturday~

  27. Hey Connie, Your birdhouse is delightful. Came out soooooooo pretty. Gorgeous post today! Mollye

  28. hehehe Connie.. I love your post this week! btw your birdhouse just lovely! since you did a tutorial.. I might do one for myself.. hehehe

    talking about your RTs.. hehehe like you.. I am a creature of habits too.. and sometimes my family just dont get it.. but to me.. it is a must thing to do every day.. no doubt.. hehehehe

    and talking about dressing.. yeap like you.. i also wonder why do women now a days need to show of their bra and thongs straps.. and they are not pretty sights.. butt cracks and whatnot... *bleeeekkk*

    Happy PS Connie huney!
    have a good weekend

  29. Hey Connie;;; As always I so enjoy reading your Random thoughts.... you make my day... OH and that Bird house is too cute... love it.....
    Have a great weekend.


  30. are toooo cute...enjoyed all your random covered a lot of territory in this post! :-) So funny about your DH's blizzard! I almost always order the same thing in restaurants, too...get my favorites and am reluctant to risk an unknown that I might not like as much. Your birdhouses are darling...they look like they would be fun to make. :-)
    Hope you and your DH had an awesome Halloween!

  31. Happy Pink Saturday, Connie.

    Your post really made me smile this morning. I'm a creature of habit when getting ready for work each morning. I've been known to completely forget things when I am interrupted.

    I love the birdhouses. My favorite is the yellow and pink with the polka-dot roof. I love me some polka-dots. ;-)

  32. LOL, Connie! Girl, I can totally identify with what you are saying. I'm here to tell you... you are singing my song!

    I don't care if it's my closet or the medicine cabinet, it never fails that when I give it away, I need it the next week!

    Immodesty is not "becoming" as my grandmother would say. I don't like going out with young people during daylight hours who have clothes cut down to their navels. These aren't strumpets, but girls who should know better. I don't care about the styles. Where is modesty these days?

    Valley Speak is annoying and should be banished from the earth. LOL!

    Your husband sounds just like mine. ;-)

    And I absolutely love that birdhouse. It is divine CUTENESS.

    I wasn't on the Pink Saturday train this week because we had unexpected company appear, and of course that messed up my schedule... but it was fun.

    Loved this post, Connie...


    Sheila :-)

  33. Happy Pink Saturday, Oh, I love this birdhouse! The dress forms all dressed in pretty pinks is adorable!

  34. Oh, sweet Connieness! So many random thoughts and I'm on the same page with you, Dear One. I can just imagine how busy you are during your day! I have my little habits too and laugh when I caught other family members doing the same thing.
    Oh, I can't believe someone would wear jeans to a wedding! I, like you, do not think looking at someone's bum and thong a pretty sight! It just appalls me and I don't like those spaghetti straps with bra straps showing. I've even seen some clear bra straps - but they're shiny and stand out just as much. Where is the real modesty is best fashion police when we need them.
    There is a motorcycle rally going on in our town this weekend. So we get out in the car to view the vast array of cycles and folks. We were driving behind a cyclist with a guest sitting behind. Well, it was a pretty good sized gal with jeans that looked like they were painted on and instead of seeing a thong we were seeing her bum crack! Now a pretty sight! No no Nannette! We didn't need to see that.
    Well, I'm climbing down from my soap box now!
    You got me rolling, Connieness!
    Have a beautiful day and keep on having those random thoughts! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  35. Connie, thank you for stopping by. Yes, I was so excited to win Theresa's give away at Garden Antique Vintage. Thank you for all the sweet comments you made about my blog. I LOVE all my Blogging friends. Such an amazing comunity of creative women. Have a great week.

  36. LOL! That was fun to read Connie.

    You certainly are a thinker!

    I'm off to go check out your Marie doll...I just saw a smidgen of her before I typed a commment...

  37. Hello Connie, the bird house is absolutly wonderful.
    Happy Pink Saturday!!!

  38. Hello Connie Happy Pink Saturday! Thank you for stopping by and leaving a sweet comment. Love your pink post this week! Adorable little bird house!
    Blessings, Shirl
    Shirls Rose Cottage

  39. Oh, boy what a fun blog you have. I love this post. You have lots to say and a great writing style. Also, you made me smile and laugh. I like that. Thanks...

    I am also retired and loving it and soooo busy every day. The days go by so fast. I am loving life and happy that I am able be retire.

    OK...that birdhouse is so precious. I love it. So sweet and fancy. Love the fabrics.

    Have a nice evening. I'll be back!

  40. Hi Connie,
    Love your bird house. So cute. You always mix the best fabrics.

    I have thought the same thing about the raising of the voice when talking like a question. Very annoying! And the thong thing. Same thing happened to us at dinner. Not something you want to see when dining. What has happened to society? And this is a question. LOL
    Love to you sweetie,
    Celestina Marie

  41. Yes, I think the birdhouse is cute. But isn't it difficult to fit the fabric nicely in those nook and crannies? Then the glitters and frills makes it really pretty :-)

    I wonder, about what yu said of getting rid of something then realizing you need it after all - I think that has happened one way or another :-)


  42. Hi Connie,
    I love your bird house! what a fun project.
    Yes in deed, I agree with you, people just do not dress any longer. Jeans for every occasion and no I do not want to see a thong either sticking out of a pair of jeans.
    I loved your post.
    Enjoy your day and keep creating,

  43. Well...first of all, Happy Way Late Pink Saturday! :) Second of all, I love your random thoughts and your run on sentences. :) And thirdly, How about selling me three of your birdhouses. I need them real bad. Email me. xo Lynn


Comments are so nice and I thank all of you that leave one for me.