Saturday, October 24, 2009

Pink Saturday 10/24/09

Recently I had to bring this exercise machine into my office to make sure I'd use it every day— which, btw, isn't happening every day, but I thought I'd at least try and am succeeding much better than I though. Anyway, nothing in here isn't froufrou-ed up at least if I can possibly do it. So I threw a shabby chic sheet over it and added some pillows because I really bonked my head on it 2 weeks ago and I can still feel the soreness where th' head met th' metal!

I think it looks just fine! So why does it remind me of a morgue slab, hummmm? Long and narrow? At least the sheet is roses covered.

Remember this little table from this post here when I bought this little vintage desk. Well, I recently had a man strip it, cut the legs down 2 inches but he also fixed the drawer and made a new handle similar to the old one but bigger. When hubs went over to pick it up the man apologized for some gouges that just wouldn't smooth out and suggested I might want to fill them in with wood putty before I refinished it. Nuuuuu, it's supposed to be a shabby chic romantic chippy vintage desk!!! What don't men get about that concept?! I kept telling hubs forget even telling me that because it's perfect just as it is. I love all the little gouges and chips in it. They still don't get it! I give up. *Sigh*......

I love it though and put the other desk in the dining area to hold the phone and stuff. I may leave this as it is for a while until I decide what I want to do with it. Truly though, I think I'll just give it a whitewash of paint and decal it with roses.

This desk is holding the old sewing machine so I can make ruffles without changing things for a while. I'm not getting rid of it, but I'll have to find some place else to put it because this just won't do. It's on my painting and craft desk! Ya think hubs would go for a room add-on??? I can hear the screaming now, chicks. *Sigh*........

Pretty sad at the moment, but I'll think of something.

Random Thought"

I was in Joanns a couple of weeks ago waiting in the checkout line and a cell phone rang rather loudly and, may I say, with a rather obnoxious ring tone. She, of course, answered it and started speaking loudly enough that half of Idaho could hear her and the only reason the other half couldn't is because of the mountains! The checkout only had one person running it and there were 3 ahead of me and one lady was returning several items so we got to hear the "phone woman" talk about her life. Now, I don't know about you but there isn't much I hate to hear more than another person's life while waiting in line to check out. I loathe loud speaking and life histories of obnoxious people. She looked rather low class but that's beside the point; manners matter most to me and she was exceeding my limit of bad manners that day. I couldn't care any less if she was going to take so-and-so to Hawaii for his birthday, how many comps she had for a Las Vegas hotel or what she was going to do! Totally uncalled for. You just wonder how dull their pathetic little lives must be to have to announce to the shoppers of Joanns what she is going to be doing. Please, please don't be obnoxious to the point of rabid customers wanting to toss you through the plate glass window and crush that cell phone into the side of her head. It's rude, obnoxious and unmindful of those of us standing there wishing aliens would come down and beam you up! *Sigh*........ And for those of you wondering: Nuuuuuu, I DO NOT answer my cell phone in public. I let it go to voice mail or step outside (very, very infrequently, just in an emergency if I answer at all) to conduct personal business.


  1. Now that is a girls workout room. First you workout on the bench then you workout with all your crafts!

    BTW - I have you as a blog I follow on my site and I know this sounds kinda well ignorant but do you have a button/widget whatever it's called for me to add to my sidebar. I actually wonder where people get those, I'd like to make one for my blog too. I'd love to be added to the blogs you follow.

    Have a terrific weekend Connie.
    Hugs...Tracy :)

  2. Morgue slab? Goodness, no, change your way of thinking, sister....think....massage table...yeah, that'll do!!

    Happy PS!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  3. Oh Connie, that's hilarious about men not getting the whole shabby chic thing! You are right, it's not worth the breathe to try and explain. I think a white wash would be perfect! Oh and the cell phone thing? I hear you loud and clear on that one sister! And you didn't have to call me on your cell phone for that one! LOL! Happy Pink Saturday!
    Hugs and glitter! Patti

  4. Hi Connie!

    Okay, I want to shop in your craft room, especially your fabric area! LOL

    The other night, the hubs and I were at a restaurant. I went into the ladies room and was "doing my thing" when I heard a woman walk in while talking on her cellphone. I don't understand people who talk on their cellphones in public bathrooms (or any bathroom for that matter) and she was talking loud.
    However, this particular "Bathroom-cellphone-talking" situation turned out to be quite fun....for me anyway!
    The woman entered the stall next to me. She had a skirt, hose and high heels on. She obviously had no intention of ending her phone call to use the bathroom, She was making all kinds of grunts and groans trying to hike up her skirt and pull her hose down all while holding the phone. And then suddenly I heard a rather loud "Plunk!". The woman started swearing up a blue streak because her cellphone just took a dive into the toilet! I could see her feet flailing, pantyhose twisted around her ankles. Then I heard a disgusted noise come from her and dripping. She had retrieved her cellphone.
    It took EVERYTHING I had not to burst out laughing!!
    I couldn't even leave until she left because I just knew if I would have seen her face, that would have been the end of my willpower!

    Happy PS!

  5. LOL I too hate it when people talk loud on their cell phones. And what about a person you are helping (I used to work in a PO.) and they keep talking on the phone while YOU are helping THEM with their money!! YIKES!! SO rude and uncalled for. They don't give attention to you or their money business, yikes!! Hate it. I asked whether she could turn of the phone while being in the PO because the computers didn't work properly ;). She just looked at me with those far away eyes and kept talking.

  6. Oh, Connie, I do agree with you! I was at a gas station once when Phone Woman was on the cell--do you think it's the same gal?--and she was speaking so many cuss words that my ears turned blue! Foolishly, I asked her to not speak so loudly, and ...

    Well, you can imagine what happened. She got louder and more profane. Ah well...

  7. I love all that fabric. Happy Pink Saturday!

  8. Keep up the pink excercise, if this method works, let me knbow, I need motivation. I couldn't agree with you more about cell phone etiquette, you go girl!!!!! Happy PS!

  9. What a pretty office you have. Your exercise machine could pass as a massage table with the cover on it.

  10. Connie, LOL! You are an absolute scream, but oh, honey, I do know what you mean. I normally try to dwell in peace with people, but I confess to thinking very unmagpie-like thoughts about those who are rude in public or otherwise. ;-) Oh, and the worst is to be trapped in line with someone talking about their physical ailments for the last half century. I want to run screaming into the hills! ;-)

    Loved your shabby pinks, but the way, and I have a big ole striped (wild stripes) comforter on our workout thing. Of course, I haven't been on it in what seems like centuries. ;-)

    Happy Pink Saturday from the Sunshine State...


    Sheila :-)

  11. Hi Connie!
    Your craft room looks wonderful!
    Happy Pink Saturday!
    Hugs, Mary :)

  12. LOved seeing your sewing room!!!
    I'm with you on the cell phones...seems as though some are glued to people's ears these days! I've never been much of a telephone person, so not my thing!

  13. Girl..I totally agree with your random thought...sometimes I hate cell phones! Anyway...whew...glad to get that out...Happy Pink Saturday! And can I come share that great office/work space? Jalina Rose has taken over our house...sorta like your excersize equipment..but fear not Sista...the pink rose sheet makes it divine!

  14. Great pink post !
    Have a nice weekend ,
    RINI the Netherlands

  15. Connie, I'm in complete agreement with you about the phone and manners.
    I love your work room. I think we can all conclude that you'll never be bored or boring. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend and enjoying Pink Saturday.

  16. I'm so ashamed, Connie, I didn't realize I was talking that loud. haha!

    I'm with you on the look-how-important-I-am-cuz-I-am-on-the-cell-phone.

    I had a similar situation when I was waiting in a long line at Ross. Here is the thing that just slayed me..just in front of her there was a mom with toddler in tow...the toddler started to cry about the idiot cell talker yells into her phone "what? what? I can't hear have to speak up I can't hear you....some kid throwing a tantrum!" hahaha!

    I'm sure you come up with a workable solution! lol @ morgue slab!


    Boy, am I with you and cel phone manners! I do not talk in public either, unless there is an issue going on in the family, and then I find a quiet isle and talk SOFTLY!!!
    I could go on and on about manners today, or the lack there of! Close neighbors slamming doors and loudly calling their dogs at 3:00am for one. People are just unaware and I do not know the to that problem..I was taught as a child and I passed it along and I have watched mine pass it to theirs. I guess that is the answer...good training!
    Love your sewing room...I work in a small corner in a small room with the dresser and closets full! lol! An add on? What is that, hubby would say!

  18. I think it's hilarious you girlied up the exercise machine!

  19. Hi Connie! What a pretty way to hide exercise equipment! I agree with you about loud talking on cell phones. It makes me crazy. Here in the east, we have to deal with it on commuter trains...where we are a captive audience. I have been known to tell people to be quiet and if necessary, I've gone to the conductor and complained. Just plain rude.

    I mentioned you today on my post - I bought a pretty office chair slipcover from Ronda.


  20. Hi, Connie,
    I love how you pinkified your exercise bench! Happy Pink Saturday to you and blessings! Vicki

  21. lovin your craft room. Your workout machine should be patented for all of those shabby ladies out there who love pink.. Your fabric area is ridiculous. I think that people still think they must yell into cell phones and sometimes forget that they are in public. Whatever happened to keeping things private!! I travel on the GO train and am often amazed that people wish to share some really personal things with everyone that is within earshot and are trapped with no other alternative but to listen!!
    Have a wonderful Pink Saturday!!

  22. Connie you are so funny, so true about the cell phone, what did we do before cell phones, wholly molllly..who cant wait til I get home to call you back, I dont even get messages on my answering machine anymore..Love what you did with your workout equipment, maybe Ill try that with my treadmill, to motivate me to get on it. Its already very visable, maybe it need some "PINK"
    Have a great weekend

  23. Connie ya made that exercise equip look very pretty.I'm glad my boys have a room just for that stuff.I never use it either.I agree with u on the cell phone.People just don't think anymore about what is right and what is wrong.Happy Pink sat.Hugs,Jennifer

  24. well that's just a great idea. Who wants to look at exercise equipment when we can looks at pretty pink things!! Have a great weekend and Happy Pink Saturday : )

  25. You always amaze me of how you create beauty out of every day items. It looks great. Kathi

  26. Wow - look at those stacks of fabric! Now that's a studio after my own heart!

    Sue E.

  27. Hi Connie, Oh I don't think it looks like a morgue slab at reminds me of a birthing table Your room looks like a great place to sew up all that fabric.

  28. Hello Connie;;;; Happy P.S. Day.. What a great desk for you new sewing machine.... the white wash and Rose decal sounds really nice... I love love all of your lovely fabrics.... oh how I could spend hrs. in there playing with and your slab,, kind of reminds me of when I visit for my yearly check up,,,,(blush)......... well it dose... lol

    Have a great weekend,


  29. ooo so pretty..
    Happy Pink Saturday

  30. Hi Connie,
    Yes, people can be so rude regarding cell phones. Here in Calif. it is against the law to hold a cell phone to ones ear and talk while driving. You would not believe the amount of people that just disregard this law! Like what did they do before everyone and their dog had a cell phone?
    Another thing my husband just hates, is when people talk on their cell phones in restaurants. I guess they think we all want to hear about little Bobby's latest boubt with...oh well, you get the picture. What are you going to do, some people never learn...only maybe after a heafty fine for talking on a cell phone while driving. I heard it's pretty high!
    Now that we got this off of our chest, I really enjoy your blog!
    Take care,

    Darlene M

    PS You are right about men and the shabby chic thing. It's in their DNA to want to fix things!

  31. You crafty room looks like so much fun!

    And don't hold back on how you really feel Connie about Cell phone woman...I'm not quite sure what you were trying to say.

    :0) (big grin)

  32. Love your post. Funny! Despite living halfway across the country, we must go to the same JoAnn's! Same thing happens to me in there all the time -- so I hear ya!

  33. Hi Connie, Happy Pink Saturday! Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a sweet comment. I kept my tread mill covered with a pretty pink quilt! Love your office, and I agree with the cell phone thing. I never even have mine on. Ed usually has to get me in the car on OnStar. Can't turn that one off. LOL
    Blessing, Shirl
    Shirls Rose Cottage

  34. Hi Connie, I love your pink today. Your description of your exercise bench is true. It does look morgue like!!! the sheet is not doing it! laughing here. Love your desk you found and the one with your sewing machine. At least you have a room to sew. Not me, I share Bill's office. Yuck!!

    I am with you about people who talk loudly on the phone in public. Not pleasant.

    I had one doll when I was young and shared it with my sisters. It sat on the piano and we had scheduled times to play with her. I made hand sewn doll clothes for her. I do know what happened to her. sigh!

    Have a wonderful weekend and thank you for my smile.

    Hugs, Jeanne

  35. Oh Connie Girl....I am SOOO with you on cell phone etiquette. Honestly, we used to live our lives just fine without being in constant contact, didn't we? I love having a phone, and it's sooo handy, but it has a time and a place. NO ONE has my number except my daughter and hubbs....I can chit-chat at home. The other day my daughter and I were at a darling little shop...TINY....there was a gal in there on her cell talking at the top of her lungs. It was unbearable. We had to leave to escape the racket. I've even seen two people out to dinner each talking on their phone. What is the point of going out together, I ask.

    Your furniture fix-it man did a great job on your sewing table. I'm still using the one my former husband made for me. I'd love to have something new. In fact, I'd love to have floor to ceiling cabinets built for my sewing room. What a great idea to leave a machine set up for ruffles. I'm going to ask my daughter for hers. She never uses it...Oh how I love a great idea.

    Ok sweetie...

    Have a wonderful weekend.


  36. Only you would have an exercise machine with roses on it! Looks good!

  37. Hi Connie
    I love your working space.I also love your very pink blog! I would like to pass on an award to you,its for blogs that I have recently discovered and love...that's you.Please don't feel you need to participate,I know you are busy and many blogs today are award free.Just to let you know... I love your blog!

  38. Thank you for stopping by mammabellarte, June is a special friend. Ciao Rita

  39. Now that's my kind of workout room! I'm running a day behind on visiting as yesterday was a difficult one for my family {explained on my blog}. Hope you can come by for a visit and see my pinks.
    Have a lovely week!

    Back Porch Blessings,

  40. Oh that's such a pretty place to work at.... lovely; it feels so comfy.... Come celebrate with us your lovely home and everything is dear to you at our "Show Off Your Cottage Monday!



  41. Oh that's such a pretty place to work at.... lovely; it feels so comfy.... Come celebrate with us your lovely home and everything is dear to you at our "Show Off Your Cottage Monday!



  42. Your home is so lovely! RE: Public cel phoning...I was in line at a store once and had the privilege of hearing all about "her" visit to the Dr. and her PAP SMEAR! PLEASE! Take it outside!!!!


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