Tuesday, September 8, 2009

White Wednesday 9/8/09

When we traveled to Ireland many years ago we stayed in thatched cottages sometimes rather than the hotels. I love the ambiance of the cottages much more. This is how the Irish live: thatched cottages, linens and lace in almost every single window and sparkling clean windows even in the rain!

I use white lace lavishly around my home. This is NOT a picture of my home but similar to things I do.

Lace over pitchers to keep the flying insects out is a beautiful way to fend them off.

Not only white lace but white bows acting as "hangers." I've even used hubby's old ties to look like a hanger for a picture.

And, of course, mantels covered in exquisite antique vintage lace.

An easy-to-make clothes hanger skirt is also a luxury.

A lovely window vignette.


  1. lace too, and have quite some that I still need to use, lol
    Loved the pictures again, esp the one with the lace in the window and the plates above it. Now THAT is an idea for my kitchen window. Thanks girl ♥

  2. ahhh we loved Ireland..and would love to go back someday..we too stayed in a mud walled cabin with thatched roof...I should blog about our ireland trip...it was truly the best experience..;)

  3. I have a friend who spent her honeymoon in Ireland. She says it was the best place ever. Love all your lacey photos.

  4. Hi Connie,
    I'm loving all the white lace in your post today. I have white lace everywhere as well. Love the stuff and am always on the look out for more of it.
    Great images!
    Did you have great time camping? We're getting ready for another trip.
    I have to say, I'm ready for it, because it will soon be time to winterize the trailer and put it away for winter.

  5. so pretty Connie. I love lace of any sort, old or newish.

  6. Hi, Connie,
    Loved every one of your whites, all of them perfect. How I would love to visit Ireland and stay in a thatched cottage. Maybe one of these days. Thank you so much for stopping by Bunny Cottage. I love when you come for a visit. Vicki

  7. Hi Connie, This post is gorgeous and I love every bit of lace around a home. Your pics are outstanding. I have it everywhere in curtains and lace that my grandma has made. It is so special to me and just adds so much. Thank you for sharing this inspiration. I hope to go to Ireland one day.

    Glad you are back from your vacation and thank you for stopping by.
    See you again soon.
    Love, Celestina Marie

  8. Sorry to hear of your computer woes, but you made up for it with all the pretty white things. I'd love to be added back to your list. Hope you are settling in with the new PC & you have a great camping trip!

  9. I missed this post when you first wrote it. I'm so glad I found it now!! I just love all of the pics!!! We went to Ireland about 10 years ago and I absolutely fell in love with it. I have always been drawn to all things Irish. My first husband was all Irish. My father in law is from Galway and we were blessed enough to get to travel there and meet all of the family. The absolute best two weeks of my life!! Thanks for the memories!! : )

    ~ Wendy


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