Thursday, September 17, 2009

Changing the Craft Room Again

While trying to cut out the fabric for the aprons recently I realized I need more room in the sewing craft room. Love Bunny was not happy with my decision because that meant he had to take out another shelf in the dining area and drag that vintage desk out there. That's what he's FOR!! DUH.

While doing this I also decided to straighten the fabric again. I seem to have to do this every six months or so. Sigh... I have fabric I'll probably never use unless I open an apron shop and start making them to sell. I really don't want to do that but it may become a necessity since I'm making so many lately. I enjoy it and I only do what I enjoy now. I'm an ol' lady, ya know. ;-)

So since I'm not going to be refinishing this desk any time soon I decided to cover it with a vintage wilendur tablecloth. So this is how it will remain for a while. I really like the desk near the kitchen in that little part of the dining area.

Looking good so far, chicks.

But during that time I decided I wanted another mouse pad. One that was shabby chic with roses on it. I found the perfect ones on eBay and the woman was here in my town! Now, let me tell you there aren't too many women in the state of Idaho who are into shabby chic! Trust me. She definitely agreed with me. This woman came over after her day job and delivered it to me because she wanted to see my home. I was thrilled to show it to her and as she said (and I've always told you) it looks even better in person. She just moved into a new rental house and it is freshly painted yellow. Now, she's also a pink person and wants to repaint it again if they allow her. She is having a very rough time with the yellow walls throughout the whole house. I would too!! She's a shabby chic aficionado also and told me about a place in Eagle (near to me) and I plan on going over there some day soon. I'll keep you briefed on it when I do make it over...with my camera, of course.

Anyway, I needed 2 mouse pads - one for my desktop and one for my laptop. Are these not cute?!?!?! Squeeeeeeeal. So if you want to visit with her and buy some adorable mouse pads for your desk, check Lisa out on eBay or Etsy and tell her Connie sent you over. ;-)



  1. Hi Connie

    I can't believe how much beautiful material you have!!!

    Love your little makeover with the desk, PERFECT

    The mouse pads are gorgeous, how about that, the lady living close to you!

  2. I love the mouse pads! I may even see if I could order one.
    Connie, what are you going to do with all that fabric?!

  3. ooooooo I just luve those mouse pads. Toooo cute.

    I love the way you covered your desk. I think it is very pretty.

    Love & Prayers,

  4. You are one lucky Chickie to have so much pretty fabric in your craft room.

  5. i so envy creative chicks like you. I can't even draw stick people. it looks fabulous!

  6. Oh my goodness!!! Your craft room makes me drool. I love all that fabric and craft materials; enough to make lots of fun things!! You lucky gal. I love what you've done with the desk and those mouse pads are adorable. It's so fun to meet someone with similar taste and interests. I'm happy for you.


  7. It does seem to me I need to re-organize about every six months, too. I caught up past Pink Saturday and am thankful for the email tip in blogger.

    Still visiting around for last PS. See you for PS soon.

  8. Hi Connie, I am drooling over all your beautiful fabric. I have lots, but it's mostly country prints---wasn't into pink then. The mouse pads are adorable and I do have a huge box of fabric samples that are perfect sizes---all chintz, but mine will be used on my journals. Will try and visit more often, now that I have Internet, even though it's slow. Love how you cover the desk. I am going to try and strip a vintage dressing table that I found--sanding is not doing the trick. I will be posting pictures next week of a throw away bar stool from dad's garage and I recovered my ironing board-slash stool- step ladder. Can't wait to see more of your beautiful crafts. Love and hugs, Pat

  9. What cute mouse pads and so great the lady lived close. The desk look lovely all decked out in fabric. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Wow, that some stash of fabric! I love your new mouse pads. I might have to just go order one!


  11. Well it can't get any cuter. Ya that is a lot of material. Might try to get a mouse pad.

  12. Hi, Connie,
    Your rose covered chair and rose covered desk are so pretty together! Love your new mousepads, too. I just bought a similar one on e-bay. I am wondering if it was the same lady. Have a great Friday and upcoming weekend. Vicki

  13. Hi Connie. Wow you could open a store selling all that fabulous fabric you have.
    Cute mousepad

  14. Connie, wow you have so much fabric.Do u have plans for all of it?The desk looks great and perfect for crafting and working at.The mouse pads are nice too.Glad ya found a friend close by that likes the same items as you.Hugs,Jen

  15. Connie, thanks so much for your prayers, they mean the world to me.

  16. What adorable mouse pads! Looks like you are as busy as ever...poor hubby having to move those shelves again ;)

  17. How fun that you made a new shabby chic friend! I'd love to see your house, too. Are you planning to visit Lisa's? Love the mousepads ~ very pretty!

    Love you,
    Angelic Accents

  18. Hi Connie ! Hey I like those mouse pads. Wish I had some of that fabric stash you have.Don't know what I would sew but I just like to look at it, LOL !

  19. Oooh pretty! You have cornered the market in fabric!! beautiful things just waiting to be made...

    What a lovely room for a lovely lady to create in!


  20. Thats a serious pile of fabric you have there Ms Connie!!! You would be sewing well into your dotage with that lot! Such a pretty mouse pad, I need to get a new pretty one! Rachaelxo

  21. I understand your "I only do what I love, I'm old." I feel exactly the same way now. Have you ever tried a bigger table under your sewing machine especially to the left? I have got many helpful computer tips from your blog. Dianne

  22. Wow & I thought I had piles of fabric you outdo me here Miss Connie.... Love the mouse pads those roses are just to die for...
    have missed visiting you took a break from blogland but is great to be back & catching up on what everyone has been doing...oh loving your aprons to just so girly & sweet...

    lyn xxx

  23. I love those mouse pads. Sounds like one of those vintage magazines: "Miss Shabby Chic, Idaho". I'll take it on trust that this is unusual.

    The desk is a very successful coverup, and I also like how you draped the chair. Your studio definitely has "je ne sais quoi"!


Comments are so nice and I thank all of you that leave one for me.