Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Some Beautiful Things I Received Lately That Make My Heart Sing!

Recently I helped a fellow blogger with her computer and an application that was giving her fits on her website. I made a few suggestions and she was thrilled. I was more than happy to help her as I do frequently with a lot of people because I'm somewhat computer savvy - somewhat(!). Anyway, for my help she sent the following items to me and I was astounded. I never do anything with the thought that I'll be rewarded and I am astounded at the things I've gotten for helping others.

These have got to be photos of her gorgeous garden.

The following are postcards she's had done from her paintings. fortunate am I to have received them! I spent last night painting some small humble frames to put these into and will hang them on a wall in my shabby chic family room with gratitude and honor. Thank you so very much, Jo-Anne. I've loved admiring her painting from afar for a couple of years now. They are beautiful and I only wish I could paint like that.

Plus a little tag and a sweet bookmark as I absolutely love reading and spend a part of each day with my nose in a book. Reading gets me out of this world for a snippet of time each day and I sooooo need that.

So like a wall I dedicated to Susan Rios when I repainted the house pink, I'm dedicating this wall beside the window in my family room to Jo-Anne. I framed the postcards and fun-tac'd the rest of the little cards she sent me. It looks kind of bare in this photo but it looks very pretty when seen in its entirety with the rest of the room. Isn't that always the case though? ;-)

Since I had 2 extra cards that were the same I tacked them to my laundry room wall under the shelf after I added some vintage handkerchiefs to the little shelf. I also tied a vintage hankie around an old clay pot (too lazy to paint it today) with some faux greenery (my favorite because I can't kill it!) and put that up there also.


  1. I love them they are the kitty one especially...go figure.:)

  2. What very nice gifts to receive, and how kind of you to help. the pictures look so pretty.

  3. good morning Lady, love the prints,

  4. Oh Connie - looks just beautiful honey, just beautiful. Aren't our blogger sisters just wonderful? Those are so pretty framed and on the wall, and the ones added to the laundry room are so delightful. Would make any woman happy to be doing laundry in there. Thanks for sharing. Country hugs and love, Sherry

  5. Connie,
    I feel guilty! I have your tutorials on a bookmarked page and refer to them all the time because I am not computer savvy, in fact I can hardly type. Anyway my guilt arises from the fact that I am not even sure I said Thank-You so here it is a great big THANK YOU!xoxoxox Meg

  6. Connie, what beautiful gifts you got. I had to go back to older posts so I could see what you have been up to and you have been one busy lady. Getting dial up soon, so hopefully I will get to visit more often. I posted today on my blog about what is going on with me. Hope to see you sooner. Love and hugs, Pat

  7. Her paintings are so pretty! Very romantic!

  8. Hi Connie,
    You are a sweetie and I'm not surprised that you rec'd a sweet gift :)
    Love the hankies on your shelf.
    Keep Singing!!
    Deb :)

  9. What lovelies to receive ... they are gorgeous. She paints beautifully. You placed everything so elegantly. TTFN ~Marydon

  10. Hi there, Connie. Thank you so much for visiting my blog!! I was so thrilled to receive a comment since starting my blog again!! Your blog is so wonderful and so very pretty!! The paintings that were sent to you are absolutely incredible. I can't begin to tell you how much I love them. What a talented woman Jo-Ann is!!

    Thanks again for stopping by and I look forward to reading your blog each day!! : )


  11. Connie these are so pretty.I love them.Your such a sweetie for helping all of out there who can't get the hang of computers.Hugs,Love ya,Jen

  12. I love to get a nice surprise like that Connie! Love what you did with them. Rachaelxo

  13. Hi, Connie,
    Beautiful paintings! I know you are overjoyed. I have always admired this artist's paintings. I am sure she appreciates very much the help you gave her. Vicki

  14. Connie, those are absolutely gorgeous photos and cards. I am so glad you received something so lovely for helping someone out. You deserve it.

  15. How sweet to get some little treats in the mail Connie! Your laundry room is so pretty, I love how you used the vintage hankies on the shelf:>)

  16. What a nice surprise for you. Everything looks just perfect! Thanks for stopping by my blog for a visit. :)

  17. I just happened by your blog fresh from the farm.
    I must say that I truly loved your blog as I read several of them.
    Your gifts are just gorgeous and what a lovely way to display them.'
    I must say that you are a great inspiration.
    God bless.

  18. Hi Connie,

    What fab-u-lous gifts you received. The blog world is a fun world.

    Thank you for stopping by. The kids really DO need to downsize. I can't imagine what it will be like when all their belongings arrive. Glad I'm here right now-hehe.

    take care.


  19. Hi Connie,
    What a thoughtful thank you from a lovely lady to a lovely lady. They go prefectly in your home. That would make my heart sing too.

  20. Wow! A thank-you is always nice and what a thank-you that was. Someday... someday I'll have a fancy-pants garden that will at it's best, look remotely like those pictures.



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