Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Sheer Rosettes For the Gazebo

I started off making little rosettes out of the sheers I bought at WM for $4.75 each, tied them with gossamer sheer pink organza ribbon over a rubber band that secured them while I tied on the ribbon. I'm going to find pretty roses that aren't too expensive to put on there also.

They look lovely hanging and blowing in the freeze. Hubs suggested little string lights and I'm going to do that along with some pretty ivy or some kind of foliage that doesn't look too cheap either if I can find some this afternoon.

A close up of the top of the sheer rosette. If you look closely you can see the hook on which I plan on hanging some candle lanterns I made out of old jars. I just have to figure out how to hang all 5 of them! Trust me, I can do it.

Here you can see the huge finial at the top. Squeeeeeeal..... I'm loving this in my back yard.

Okay, so patience isn't a virtue I've conquered yet! I went out this afternoon, found some ivy at WM and went ahead and added the faux ivy garland since hubs is not home yet for dinner. This chick is on a roll today! Found some pretty flowers but didn't have time to add them at the same time. I'm loving it even more!

Closer view of the top.

I even bought this little wind chime at Michaels at 50% off and it produces the most melodious tinkling sound.

Random Thought:

Fettucini Alfredo is macaroni and cheese for adults.


  1. Hi Connie, it looks beautiful!! I can't wait to see it finished... I like the way you hung the sheers, very elegant...Have fun decorating! Hugs, Jennifer.. If you would like to add me to your blog friends that would be great, I have you added to my list of blogs I follow already. If you want to add yourself to my followers, your more than welcome and my door is always open! have a great day!!!

  2. Lovely. I adore the gazebo and you have made it a romantic place already. My mom used to make rosettes like that for my pony tail!! Also out of organza but she used scarves, the square ones. I had them in all colors, lol. Wish I had one still :)

    Hugs from Marian♥

  3. Oh I love it. I know you had a great time with it. Now send us a picture with you and hubby dancing under there. Blessings

  4. That looks amazing! You did a great job! I am with you on the alfredo too....delish!
    Have a great day!

  5. So romantic to have this in your yard and I would be sitting under this with a cup of ice tea and some biscuits and my book during the day and with my husband with some wine and cheese later in the evening. You are going to have so much fun with this.

  6. Romance in the gazebo!The rosettes you have made are beautiful.

  7. Hi Connie! Oh, I'm so glad you will be joining us for the party! I'm with you... looking at other people's spaces is so much fun!!! I'll add you to the list. Take care.

    My Desert Cottage

  8. GM girl I love that Gazebo I have always wanted on only in wood and big enough to hold a table and chairs and sit and have dinner at...Oh I know I don't want much...but hey your never to old to dream my friend..Hos your family doing...Love what you did here with this gazebo looking good my friend...May you have a great Fourth...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  9. I love your gazebo. And the fact that you are decorating it, can't wait to see the finished gazebo with all the decorations.

    Clematis are a good choice for gazebo growing. Their broad leaves and bright blooms give shade in the summer, then disappear during the winter to allow sunlight to warm the gazebo. Some clematis are fragrant, which adds a pleasant touch to a gazebo.

  10. Hey Connie; OHHHHHHh how I love how you are decorating you Gazebo. Your rose's with the beautiful sheers is just so fairy tale looking. I think you are doing a smashing job on it.. I can't wait to see it all done in its glory.....


  11. Very pretty Connie! I'm lovin' your ideas!
    When my mom was in assisted living, I used a window scarf to swag over her bed & made poofs on each side. BUT I had a problem with the rubber bands breaking... You might try using pony tail bands - I think they'd be sturdier. ☺ Diane

  12. Did you find the candlelabra in the attic yet???

  13. We all need that special place..and it looks like you are well on your way to creating what you want. I can tell you are having the time of your life fixing it up!

  14. Hi Connie! I just wanted to let you know that I will be taking pictures of the inside of my home real soon, I have other new followers that want to have a peek too...LOL! Talk to ya soon! hugs, Jennifer

  15. Looks super Connie. You were thinking of a plant to put growing up the gazebo ?
    I wonder if you know the plant Bignonia? It is very tolerant of drought and grows well up trellises etc, with lovely flowers.

  16. Hey Connie, that is one sweet idea!! I think putting lights up is a fine idea!!

    Adored the random's so!!

    Deanna :D

  17. Hi, from one Idahoan to another. I knew I had been to a blog that was an Idaho woman before I started mine, but I couldn't remember how to find you and tonight I did. Hurray for me. I am so enjoying myself here, looking around. I feel very at home.

  18. That turned out so pretty! It would be a great place to take photo's.

  19. Happy PINK Saturday & Happy Independence Day, Sweet Connie!!

    Goodness, this gazebo must be as close to Heaven as it gets!! I wanna come hang out with my sis!!!!

    Angelic Accents

  20. Gosh those are great! Were they easy to make?? Lori


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