Saturday, April 18, 2009

If I Had Some Wishes

First of all, an eye candy graphic for you to copy and print as you wish.

I watched this video put out by my church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and realized this is why I create. "Do not let the voice of critics paralyze you." This is my motto for life. If I had a few wishes these would be at the top of my list definitely. Creating and Loving.

My heart is still very tender, maybe much more so than usual as I do have a very tender and soft heart. Oh, I mug around and pretend I'm not so soft but I am. I even admit it, but when others hurt the ones you love and especially your children, your protection mode goes into overdrive. I cannot even describe what it's like.

But in the afterthoughts of this tragic episode I've come to what I consider a "revelation" or "epiphany" and it is this: the incident was a trial for ME. Not my son, but me. He had to suffer for me to learn something valuable. Oh, I think he learned something also but I don't know what it was. But I'm clear on what mine was. It's forgiveness. And it didn't take me long to learn it. I haven't "perfected" it as of yet but I think I'm being given some tools to help me learn how.


How do I love thee? So in the recent tragedy with our son being beaten severely I found solace in this video put out by my church.


  1. Connie, thank you for posting those two videos but more importantly for opening your heart. He loves you so much and He longs to help you to be the person He created you to be.

    Thank you for the beauty of you!

  2. We never stop learning Connie.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  3. Sending you some Hugs, Chickie :) Hope that K is doing better. I know it must have devastated you to see him, but he will heal from this and we love you :) k ? Sorry, I wish I could say something more comforting, just know though that My mothers Heart is Broken for Yours right now, and don't worry about the lessons just yet, they will all come in time.

  4. Wow President Uchtdorf is a great speaker. That video really gave the speech more impact. The videos were great Connie thanks for sharing :) You are a wonderful person and I know that the Lord is blessing you.

    All the best,

  5. I saw his photo over on Rose Haven's prayer list and my heart was just broken that anyone could hurt another person like that. You are a sweetie.

    Roberta Anne-The Raggedy Girl

  6. happy pink saturday to you, connie!


    ps ~ i'm having a little pink saturday-inspired giveaway.

  7. I was just visiting Rheas blog and she mentioned you were going through a tough time, so after reading back I felt so bad that it has been so long since I have been in touch with you. I pray that your son will heal quickly and completely!!! Take care friend. laurie

  8. Connie, I missed you this past weekend on Pink Saturday. I wanted to come in and make sure your son is improving and you are alright. The videos send a great message to all. Thankyou and hope to see you soon, one day at a time girlfriend, Char


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