Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Friend's Home Tour #3

Update on our son for 4/7/09 6:30 AM

I don't want any of you to miss this gorgeous home and if I update my son's condition it might be missed so I'll update here and on the post about his ordeal also. If you've not read about him please chick here to check it out the traumatic ordeal with our son on 4/4/09.

Last night my daughter-in-law called and said the police got the surveillance tape and were able to identify 3 of those men who attacked our son and also got the license plate of the car. I'm very pleased.

Son will go to doctor today to see if he is going to need surgery on his face. Not sure why but we'll see. He is still not eating and nauseous even after getting medication for it. I think after an ordeal like that the body just wants to go into "sleep mode" to heal itself and he's doing that almost exclusively! He cannot talk or eat but is sipping water through a straw.

I still want to tell you that I'm feeling no hate for those men. I say this in all honesty. Yes, I cry—A LOT! I didn't know a face could hurt this bad from crying or eyes could be so tender also. But I still feel a little anger. Why not hate and only a little bit of anger when my baby's face and body is so beaten? I think the Lord has stepped in on this one, trust me. We are taught in our church to love every single person and to not hold grudges. I'm not perfect at this, believe me! But if I hold the hate and anger I'm the lower one. This has truly opened my eyes and heart beyond anything I can comprehend. But I tell you this with all the honesty I can muster at this point. I have feelings for their mothers who raised them. I truly want to hate these men but I just simply cannot do it. I sit here typing this with tears rolling down my eyes onto my chest knowing my son wouldn't want this either. We're a strongly LDS family and try to live by my church's teaching no matter how hard it is for the "natural man/woman" in me. l can only weep for those men also. I say these things not to sound "above the fray" but because this are truly and absolutely what is in my heart at the moment.

I want to thank all of you who have prayed for my baby and for your sweet kind words. I have a better insight into these things that happen now and maybe the lesson is for me and me only. I'll try and respond to each of you as soon as I can. Thank you, thank you; I know prayers work because my son is alive!

Painted above their bed is this motto:

Loved you once,
Love you still,
Always have,
Always will.

A picture of the temple where they were married is framed in a large frame of wood boards on top of a quaint little vintage roll top desk.

An antique chest on this side of the room.

A door to their desk is beside a shelf with knobs that holds Phyllis' jewelry. The top displays a sign and a picture of them when they were younger.

A half window looks toward my home about a mile or two away, but towards the city anyway. Notice how she uses that old chest instead of a vanity. Perfect!

A chandelier over her Jacuzzi tub! This is truly a romantic woman.

She didn't want to be in any pictures. (I have no clue why because she is so pretty, but I do understand not liking to have your picture taken and I abided by her wish.) I showed her this photo and she said, "Well, just show the one sink and mirror." She doesn't understand how we chicks want to see it ALL. Hah... I showed her that I would obliterate her from the mirror on the left and I did. She was standing in the doorway and being reflected by another mirror over the tub into the blue mirror by the door. It was kind of funny when I got home and realized how it happened as we didn't realize it until I got home and downloaded the photos. She came over and I showed it to her. I said I'd take care of it but I know you gals and one sink wouldn't cut it for y'all. So this is why it looks funny in the doorway. Also notice in the right mirror there is an old window leaning against the wall. Now can you see why I wanted to photoshoot this woman's home. We're kindred spirits when it comes to decorating. *Smiling*!!

This is the other bathroom on the main level. Isn't it precious? She puts so much effort and love into this home.

I love this window and box on the bathroom wall.

And they've made an antique wash stand into a working one for their home. She is very creative. You have noticed those sinks, right?!?! Darling!

Okay, my friends, more to come in another post in a couple of days. Hope you've enjoyed it so far. If so, let me know so I can tell her how much you have liked looking at her home. More to come and lots of darling things left to view.

Ooooh, it's for sale. They want to scale down as they only have 4 children left at home after one in college gets married in May.


  1. Good Morning, dear Connie!
    Rally your friend is very creative. Her home has own, beautiful heart/spirit.
    And this text is so lovely:
    "Loved you once,
    Love you still,
    Always have,
    Always will."

    Happy Easter to you!

  2. How beautiful, such an imaginative home.
    I'm sorry Connie, I have only just read your post about your son. My prayers go out for him. I do hope he is recovering now.

  3. Ooooooooohhhhhhhhh, squeal! How pretty!


  4. Connie, the pics of your friends home are beautiful...and I really like working washstand. I just read about your son and I am so sorry. I pray for your sons recovery and that they find those terrible people who did that to him.

  5. What a beautiful room. Reminds me of a bed and breakfast.

    Thinking of your son and family!

  6. Dear Connie, I am so sorry about your son! I only just heard the terrible story about his injuries. I will hold him in my thoughts and prayers as well as you and the rest of your family. He is a hero and those who attacked him will be brought to justice. Bless you.

  7. God bless your son - what a good man!

  8. My first thought was that perhaps you have your priorites wrong? Why blog when you have a relative in hosipital?

    But then it occured to me that perhaps you are blogging to keep your mind off other things?

    I dont think anyone would be disappointed if you stopped blogging for while.

  9. Hello Connie ~~ I just heard about your son and what happened to him. I am so sorry and have sent a prayer to our loving Lord to heal him. God Bless him for his honor!! ~~~ Connie, I have found the utmost strength as of late through prayer and faith. I believe I know your heart as I have walked this same walk. In my grief book I found this verse that I will share with you:

    For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
    Matt 6:14-15

    You are so strong!!!

    much love,

  10. Continuing to pray for your son's healing. I am also praying for you as you hold to your faith and try not to hate or be angry. These men are to be pitied for the sad state of their lives outside of God's will and protection.

    Your friends house is just lovely.

    Happy Tuesday
    from Roberta Anne

  11. Top of the Morning to you Connie,

    Thanks for the update on your son..I am still praying for healing and my thoughts are with all of you.

    Your friend has a very beautiful home. It looks like she knows exactly what to put where! I love the old dresser in the bath area under the window. Great idea!!

    Hugs ♥ Kris

  12. This just ticks me off. My son was beat in a home invasion in January, beat in the head with a AK 47. He is fine physically, still at 22 has some emotional challenges from it from time to time. In my archives the story is in Jan. titled more important than gardening.

  13. Connie, you know I'm thinking of you. I can tell how much you love your children, and they are so blessed to have you as a mom. Prayers for all of you.

  14. LOVE the house! Many prayers for you and your family!!!!

    Hugs and prayers! Lisa

  15. What a sweet home your DIL has made for her family......She sounds like a great gal.

    I have some awards for you! Lots of them.......come and see me.

    I hope your darling son is feeling some better today. Poor fella....he's going to be skin and bones if he can't eat pretty soon.

    God bless you and your family.


  16. OH, Dear Connie! Thank you for giving us the update about your son. I'm so glad they've found some of the guys who've beaten up your son! I pray all goes well at the doctor's and surgery will not be needed!
    Connie, I am continuing to pray for your dear son as well as you, my sweet friend. You have the right spirit of heart by not hating. I know this must be so hard! I can't imagine how hard it is for you.
    Blessings, my friend.

  17. Your friends home is very very pretty...she should have no problems selling it...I love the saying above the bed and the window box in the bathroom....Here's hoping your son is improving with each day and very happy that the police are on top of things finding out who these guys are....You are a much better person then I......

  18. You do not know me but I read about your dear son on another blog. I do not have my own blog but wanted to offer support for you and your family- especially your son as I am around his age and would be very grateful as a female to have a man such as your son put himself in harms way like he did. My father is a retired small town police officier and my Aunt & Uncle are devote LDS. I just wanted to say you have my prayers and God be with you!

  19. Still praying for K, he is such a good and strong man and sending you hugs as I know how much this is breaking your heart my friend. You are doing the right thing, letting go of the anger. It is better for you to do that, even though it must be overwhelmingly hard. Just know we love you sweets :) Soon this will be behind him. And Bless your grandson for stepping up, another Great man in your family. Our Lord has them all in His hands :)

  20. Connie,
    You are right. It was a priesthood blessing, with tons of prayers and a lot of faith. I'm so thankful her arm is healing so quickly. She was actually able to dress herself today. Again What happened to your son is unthinkable! It's just another sign of the times. My daughter said today, "I'm almost glad bad things are happening. It just means we are getting closer to the end." Thanks again for your prayers and comments.
    Sage's Grandma Liz

  21. I read about your son on a fellow blogger's post. I just cannot imagine what you and your family are going thru. I admire how you don't hate those guys, I know that just makes things worse, but it's also difficult. It's things like this that make people afraid to stick up for themselves or anyone else. He must be some kind of wonderful to do what he did!! I will add your family to my prayer list. It's stuff like this that makes me wonder about people. God bless you my friend!!

    PS, on a lighter note, this home is very pretty!!

  22. Connie - Thanks so much for the update on your son. I hope that he continues to improve. This is such a difficult time for you, I know. I really admire the fact that you don't "hate" the individuals responsible for this. I don't know that I could be such a truly good person. Your friend's home is lovely. There are so many special touches. Thanks for sharing.

  23. I swear this whole damn world has gone plum crazy. Your son, my son, my mother, innocent children, wives (and some husbands) trying to leave bad marriages, street beatings, abductions, gangs... when will it stop.. WHEN???? Violence everywhere and it seems I can't pray enough for it to stop. My heart breaks. Others have become so desensitized to it, it doesn't affect them until it DOES.

    Oh Lord in heaven help us all become more tolerable to one another without violence....

  24. Connie. Your friend's home is lovely. I love her bedroom especially. I am so sorry for your son's injuries. I hope he recovers quickly and completely.

  25. Hi Connie, I saw a request for prayer for your son on another blog, and just wanted to drop in and say how sorry I was for what he and your family are going through! ...and that my prayers are with ya'll! ~Rhonda

  26. Hi Connie!
    I just got caught up on your blog and just wanted to say how sorry that your family has gone through this!
    My parents were held up by some guys years ago and they got my moms wallet and I know how scarey it is but the police told her that the suspects don't usually follow through to go to the house. They usually just threaten that and take what they want from the wallet and then discard it. I will say a prayer that he will heal well both physically and mentally. He probably also is sleeping alot because he is in shock and it is a normal reaction to a traumatic incident like that....
    My well wishes to you all!
    hugs! karen....

  27. Hi Connie!
    I just got caught up on your blog and just wanted to say how sorry that your family has gone through this!
    My parents were held up by some guys years ago and they got my moms wallet and I know how scarey it is but the police told her that the suspects don't usually follow through to go to the house. They usually just threaten that and take what they want from the wallet and then discard it. I will say a prayer that he will heal well both physically and mentally. He probably also is sleeping alot because he is in shock and it is a normal reaction to a traumatic incident like that....
    My well wishes to you all!
    hugs! karen....

  28. Wow Connie,
    It has been sometime since I have had time to stop by and visit your blog. What a tough time for you and your family. What cowards they are. I admire your strength and courage and wish your family safety and quick recovery from all this. You are all in my prayers.
    Lisa & Alfie

  29. Hello Connie, very beautiful home. I'm praying for your son, I'm so sorry for what he has to go through. I pray that justice is served here. I understand your feelings about hating but they were wrong and hopefully these men will not be on the streets anymore. I will keep him and your family in my prayers.
    Bless you, Shirl
    Shirls Rose Cottage

  30. I enjoyed looking at your friend's home. I especially like the saying over the bed that is beautiful.

    Your family is in my prayers! I hope each day gets better.


  31. Connie, I'm so sorry to hear about your ordeal, and I pray your sweet son will feel better soon. I pray he can eat and that his face and body will heal perfectly. I read this on Rue's blog and raced right over here to tell you how sorry I was to hear it.


    Sheila :-)

  32. Oh, and Connie... loved the house tour! Thanks so much!


    Sheila :-)

  33. Your friend's home is wonderful!! Thank you for sharing it with us..and do thank her as well!

    I have been thinking about your son, praying for him and also keeping you in those prayers sweet Connie.

    You are in my heart...


  34. Oh Connie,
    I am so sorry to hear about your Son and those awful cowards who attacked him. I will pray that all the men are found and judged in a court of law.
    Your friend's home is LOVELY...just a wonderful home and thanks for sharing it!! Take care.

  35. GM Connie...I just had to stop by and leave my prayers for your Son Keith and for your whole Family..I am so sorry to hear about this girl..Thank your friend also for sharing her wonderful and beautiful home..May you have a Blessed Easter...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria


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