Monday, March 30, 2009

Jazzing Up Old Jackets

A quick fix solution to a problem.

I wear sunglasses if I'm outside—no matter what. If I'm outside I'm wearing my sunglasses. But hooking them into the neckline of my tops or even putting them on top of my head has resulted in broken glasses. I buy good ones at the optometrist. So I finally devised a way to hang them around my neck when shopping and needing my reading glasses to read labels.

I had an extra strap I had once made for a tote but never did make the tote. So I used that to go around my neck and then put 2 buttonholes in it to hold each pair of glasses by the ear piece: sunglasses and reading glasses securely at my neck without them falling out and breaking. Voilà. Here is how it turned out, chicks. Very easy and it just stays in my purse for when I go out. Quick, cheap fix.

I decided the other day to put new buttons on my jackets to jazz them up a bit. They usually come with the standard "el cheapo" kind of button even if it is JJill. I think they all are better looking with "snappier" buttons.


  1. WoW!! Those are some great button and how easy peasy to give a lift to clothing by putting on new button...aren't you the clever one.

    Have An Amazing Monday
    from Roberta Anne-the Raggedy Girl

  2. amazing what buttons can do for a piece of those gem ones...:) nice having a whole new wardrobe..:)

  3. I like to change out the buttons, too. You found some really pretty buttons.
    Have a great Monday!
    Hugs, Susan

  4. What a grand idea! I love the first one. It is extra glam!

  5. Well Girl,
    You certainly have been a busy lil' bee. Great button selection. I especially love the glittery ones...I guess as I age I am starting to love shiny things. If it sparkles it calls my I know where the word "bling" came from...old gals like me who can't see, can't walk in heals and can't hear need something shiny to open their eyes up!!

    Kris (the ole' gal from down on the farm)

  6. I LOVE cute bottons and these are perfect! what sweet new details! You are so talented Connie!


  7. Hi Connie,

    It is amazing what some pretty buttons can do isn't it? Way to go.

    Kindredly, Lynne Laura

  8. Hi Connie - It's absolutely amazing the change after you jazzed up things with those gorgeous buttons. Who would have thought?

  9. Hey Connie; Hey you know I have never even given it a thought about changing the buttons on any thing... What a great idea to make it look better, lets face it, some of the buttons they put on are so cheap and ugly,,, I love yours... you are one smart Chick.... :}



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