Saturday, February 28, 2009

A New Camera for Pink Saturday 2/28/09

The camera is another Canon PowerShot but it's an SD990 IS (which means image stabilizer and that helps it not be blurry if my hand shakes a bit. And ya never know with these old hands! Hah). It's a 14 mpx which is twice as many pixels as the old one, but it is astounding in its clarity. I love it. And I never had to change the settings at all on any of the pictures on this post!! Astounding!! I am just like a kid in a candy shop with new cameras. I am such a techie chick!

I was almost nose to nose with the rose in this picture - very close up and a bit blurry, but it was my first picture with this camera.

Backed off a little bit in this one.

Got in a bit closer and it worked well here. I cropped in closer to achieve the nearness of it but I was still further away than in the first one.

Very close in but turned out good. Plus I cropped in very closely on this picture.

Backed off a bit here and looks wonderful!

Not too tight a shot.

But got in very tight on this one. Cropped this picture a lot also.

Little too close here and a tad blurry but................

Backed off a bit here and it looks much better. Again, cropped closely here.

Now, for an astonishing bit of news here. I didn't change one setting while taking any and all of the above pictures! I didn't turn out the lights, adjust the nearness or the lighting at all. Isn't this amazing?!?!

Oooooh, and the other fact, none - not ONE, of these roses are real, but you would never ever know it by looking at them. They are all different types of roses and purchased at 3 different stores through the years but they defy anyone who sees them to think they are not real. They are gorgeous!


  1. I thought they were real flowers until I read on the bottom part. Nice shots too. You captured the perfect detail, to think they're not the real ones.

  2. Wow, gorgeous roses and perfect pictures Happy pink Saturday

  3. I definitely would have thought these roses were real!

  4. Wow great pictures your new camera took... I need the stablizing too... LOL LOL


  5. Love all the great photos! I am on the hunt for a new camera myself. I would have never guessed the flowers are not 'real'.

  6. lucky you!!
    i thought on one of the picutres i actually saw the pollination taking place(hehee).great work!!

  7. WOW they ARE gorgeous!!!!!! And a wonderful camera too, looking at the pics.

    Hugs from Marian

  8. What a lovely blog and such great pinkies that you share with us this Pink Saturday...l♥ve 'em!

    Pink Saturday is just too much fun for me...never get anything done!

  9. nothin' pink going on here today...well maybe my lipstick....

    moochas smoochas
    missn ya

  10. Hi, Connie! Great shots with your new camera...I, too, thought the flowers were real!! Enjoy your new camera!

  11. Very pretty! That's a pretty snazzy camera you have there! I thought those roses were the real deal!

    Happy Pink Saturday...


    Sheila :-)

  12. is time for me to rub some elbows with you and have some of your techie rub off on me! I take such AWFUL pictures! Love the faux roses! Happy PS to you AND your new camera!

  13. Morning, Connieness! Oh, so beautiful! I surely those these roses were real! Oh, and your camera is fantastic. When my little bites the dust I need one of these! :)
    OH, we give the 10% too and have been so blessed. I just need to be bolder and 'ask'! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  14. Wow it's just hard to believe they are not real! What great tips and info you always have! Happy Pink Saturday!

  15. Well, I thought they were real roses and I was sure that was fresh baby's breath too!

    Happy Pink Saturday!
    Robin@Miscellaneous Thoughts

  16. Isn't it fun experimenting with a new camera? It is amazing what they can do! Love your pink roses on Pink Saturday!

  17. Beautiful Pink Roses!!!
    I thought they were real also!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  18. Lovely roses and those shots are awesome! Great choice and glad that Spring is oh so close!

  19. Yes,they do look so real Ms Connie.And again,yes,technology ia awesome these days...Ann

  20. Any excuse to see LOTS of roses is a good one. Your photos are wonderful. Sounds like a great camera! I'm still trying to learn all the things mine can do!

  21. I can't believe my own eyes!! Why I thought they were real!! I wish I was a techie but alas I am not and fumble with even the easiest cameras etc...

    Happy Pink Saturday.


  22. Love the yellow rose...could not tell that they are fake! WOW! Have fun with your new camera.

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  23. you're right, look so real.
    have a great week,

  24. Beautious and lovely! Great pics .... you found a great camera. Looking forward to more lovely lovely photos from the talented Connie!

  25. Hi Connie,
    I really did think the roses were real. Amazing pictures!
    Happy Pink Day!


  26. How exciting that you have a new camera. The photos and the blooms look fantastic.

    Happy Pink Saturday, Connie.

  27. i thought they were real. but they sure are real pretty. tee hee

    nice pics, connie!


  28. You're right - I thought they were real! I have a new camera too - isn't it exciting? Happy Pink Saturday!

  29. Your new camera takes wonderful pics. And you are right, those roses do look real!

  30. awesome shots connie huneybun! yippeee for the new camera! at last.. now I can imagine you will be snapping pictures all over your home.. wonderful! Iwish I could e your neighbours! hehehehehe happy pink saturday! take care

  31. What a fantastic camera to take such good photos. The flowers are beautiful. I just bought a new camera yesterday because the old one died. This is my fourth digital camera. This one and the last one are Panasonics. The first two were Olympus. There are so many out there on the market now it is hard to choose.
    Have fun snapping away.

  32. How intriguing! I just bought a new dslr camera and I'm still trying to figure it out. I got a Sony a350. It's a 14 mpx with interchangeable lenses. I hope mine takes great pics like yours. ~ Robyn

  33. Beautiful pix! Can't think of a nicer gal than you to get a new camera!! You probably have as many cameras now as computers, huh?!?!

    Tell Nan hi! Hope y'all & Mandy are having a wonderful time.

    Happy PS!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  34. Amazing! WOW what a camera!
    Happy PINK!

  35. Very pretty roses and great pics that little cammy takes! Glad you're having fun with it!


  36. Hey, you cheated me! I thought the roses WERE real! They are so pretty. Isn't a new camera nice?

  37. Happy Belated Pink Saturday! Congrats on your new camera. I recently got my first Canon Power Shot, the 610. I'm lovin' it. ♥


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