Saturday, January 3, 2009

Being Home #7

What happened yesterday:

Went to doctor at 9:30 am and nurse removed stint. 12-14" long with a curl in it to keep it in I suppose. She said if I had spasms to come back but the doctor wouldn't be in to administer morphine so I said if it happened (it did last time 3 yrs ago) I'd just go on over to the ER at hospital.

Love Bunny and I then stopped at the store for some applesauce that was on sale.

He took me home and went to work. I thought I'd buzz over to Boise and the Home Fabrics store to look for some fabric or panels for living room window. Boise is about 20 minutes from here.

In store I started to get "crampy" and at that point I figured I'd best just head on over to the ER at our local hospital.

Then the pain really kicked in. I don't know how I made it there. I was in such pain and shaking and sweating badly.

The ER was packed. I walked up to a nurse doing triage and told her I was passing a kidney stone (figured that would get their attention more than explaining about the spasm and it could have been a real possibility that I was passing one). She turned to a lady next to her who was a person registering incoming people. She got my name and birth date and said to come with her. I was hustled into the triage room and immediately taken to a room. I was still sweating, shaking and had started to get nauseous. They put in an IV for hydration and to get a vein started for pain killer. Then inserted an oxygen tube in my nose and cuffed my left arm. Then they asked me how bad the pain was on the "smiley/sad" face of pain. I said 8 or 9 and she replied that she was surprised it wasn't a 10 by looking at me. I was being on the side of caution when I said 8 or 9 because it really felt like a 10! First injection didn't stop it as well as I wanted so they gave me another injection through the IV and that did it. I was "snockered" then, chicks! But I started throwing up then. They administered an IV with nausea medication. After about 3 hours I called hubs because there was no way I could have driven at that point.

Of course, they wouldn't let me go until I gave them a "sample" of you-know-what so I did. They took the sample for lab work. Then the doctor came in and said I had a urinary tract infection. I was surprised actually since the doctor on monday gave me an antibiotic before the surgery. Hubs came and we left with prescriptions for antibiotics and nausea med and I staggered out to the car on hubs' arm. He put me to bed and went to pick up prescriptions.

I am still very nauseous and want to upchuck even at this moment. I had some applesauce and a little while ago some ice cream with strawberries. I'm having absolutely no pain at all right now. Just cannot keep my eyes open and want to throw up.

I think I'll hit the bed now, chicks. But I'll be fine tomorrow I'm sure.

I didn't live today so "beautifully", trust me. Hah........

Saturday morn:

I lost the strawberries and ice cream after about 5 minutes.

I think the applesauce stayed down however! LOL

Today will definitely be a "living beautifully" day!!! I got plans, chicks! :-)

I got the chance to clean out these closets during the Christmas week. I really have no idea why it took me so long, procrastination maybe? Probably? Definitely procrastination! But it's been naggin' on my mind for several months now. I knew it was truly a shambles when I tried to get some silky polyester type sheers in there and they kept sliding off onto the floor and also I couldn't find any light bulbs in a certain wattage that I needed so this is what happened. Tada!!!!!! Bliss.......Organization..........Order........ And then I had room to put the string of lights that hubs had put in with the Christmas decorations and just happened to find when he brought all the Christmas stuff down from the garage attic. I'd been looking for these little strings of lights and thought they were up there but he refused to go up until he was ready. Uuuuhhhhh, HIS time frame is NOT MY time frame. Hah!

So being home does have its advantages because otherwise I'd be dead before it ever got done. This I KNOW!

Now, as for the towels. This is just about 1/2 of what I have. Nuuuuu, less than half of what I have. I have no clue what I'm going to do with all these towels but if there's ever a shortage on bath towels, I'm set, chicks! I have some hung in the guest bathroom, some folded in a hanging towel holder in the guest room, some hanging in our master bathroom and more folded in our closet in our walk in closet. This is AFTER I've supplied my granddaughter with several sets when she moved into her new house. WHY???? Got me! Think I need counseling? Hmmmm. Well, since they are different colors I guess I'll just switch them around and wait till they wear out. A girl can never have to much ________. Fill in the blank!


  1. You're too cute, miss chick-a-dee.... :0)

  2. I'm so very sorry you had that experience. I do hope you are feeling a bit better now. Don't try to do too much. Your body has been traumatized and needs rest!

  3. You poor thing, I have never passed a stone but my sis has and she said it ranks up there with chid birth. Feel better and don't over do it. Happy 09 to you and your family!

  4. You poor thing, I have passed 5 stones in my life and each time I am amazed that I can endure such pain, it is such a lonely feeling, like know one could possibly understand, I know what you are going through and wish you well soon. I actually learned how to meditate in order to help me with the pain and now use meditation in my daily life,so something good came out of the pain. Wish you better soon, Jacque

  5. Dear Connie,
    So sorry to hear about everything you had to go through after your kidney stone procedure. Also, glad they took you right in to the emergency room. They can be such dummies sometimes. I do hope you are feeling much better! Take care.
    Your friend without a blog. But hopefully coming soon!

  6. Hey you sweet chick, you need to rest a little! You are trying to do too much work! It will still be there next week! lol
    I think one can't have enough towels. I have a lot of them to!

    Hope you are feeling better today Chick!

  7. Holy Chicks Woman!!! What were you doing out and about shopping at Home Fabrics nonetheless after all that you've had going on this week.

    I'm so glad you made it to the hospital okay and that they were quick to get you feeling a little more 'comfortable'. I'm just shocked. Shocked!!!

    Need anything... you know how to get a hold of me! Seriously, Chick!


  8. Rest, Rest, Rest! Dr. Vickie's orders!

  9. Hey, sissie!! A girl can never have.....TOO MUCH REST!!

    Get the point, dearie?!?

    Love you,
    Angelic Accents

  10. Connie glad you are feeling better.I hope you will rest tonight and tomorrow so you don't over do it.Hugs,Jen

  11. Connie, I'm so sorry:( I hope you are resting and will feel better soon.

  12. Hi Connie,
    It seems like a lot of people have been to the hospital lately...
    I hope you are feeling better. I can't believe that you even tried to go silly.!!
    I have passed 2 stones and I sure know how painful it can be.
    Take care.

  13. Oh Connie! I so hope that you are feeling better - what a horrific experience for you. You are one brave lady. As for the towels! I love it. I thought that I was the only one that had a towel fixation. Thanks for sharing. Now you take care of yourself and get some rest.

  14. Hope you are feeling better soon - take care of you and rest up.

  15. Hope you are feeling better soon - take care of you and rest up.

  16. Oh no! I hate to hear you are not feeling well. Sounds dreadful! Poor thing. Wish I lived close to you so I could come over and take care of you.

    Rest up and get better.


  17. My mother knows what you are going through...they are painful! Hope you will be feeling better soon...

  18. Connie, I'm so sorry to hear you are having such a bad time. Take as much rest as you can and do nothing. Nothing, Connie!

  19. Hi, Connie, gosh, what an experience you had to go thru. Whew...I know that must have been terrible.
    I sure hope you are feeling better and don't try to take on Superwoman's role...just rest that body, child!!
    love, bj

  20. I love your attitude and I'm glad you made it to the hospital in time. I'd say you are a tough cookie - or maybe I should say chick-a-dee. Whatever. I admire your courage. So glad you're feeling much better now.

  21. poor so that you can "live beautifully" :)

  22. I am so sorry you got so sick.As I told you one day.I know your pain.Please take better care of yourself.Please...Ann

  23. As someone who has had numerous kidney stones and also has a linen closet in serious need of de-cluttering I am going to follow your lead and clean up the linen. But there is no way on the stone. I am so sorry, Connie, as I know how much they hurt. I ended up having surgery and so far, so good, no stones. I do know that stones and infections are evil kidney buddies. Praying for you to get all well and pain free.
    Roberta Anne

  24. Connie,
    I sure hope you are feeling much better. Wish I was there to help you out. But I will keep you in my prayers. Hugs, Bobbi Jo

  25. Hey Connie; I am so sorry to hear bout your kidney stone. I hope you are feeling better. My daughter had one it was awful sitting there at the hospital watching her in such pain and nothing I could do. I hope you are being a good chickie, but by the looks of the photos you are not... Shame on you little one..

    Big Hugs;

  26. Oh sweetie...I am so sorry you have been through so much! I sure hope you are feeling better by the time you read this...bless your heart!

    But hey, your closets are all neat and organized!! *smile*

    And Kipper posted on my blog today and that might make ya smile...right? : )

    You will be in my prayers and thoughts!


  27. Dear Ms. Connie, I can't believe (after seeing your photo on other blogs) I hadn't visited you. I really try to find a new blog to explore each week, and this week it's you. It was so much fun reading past posts ... I'm in my late 60's (can't believe I typed that) and lived through a husband in Viet Nam and all the hippie/afro/flower child stuff. Though we had three children with another on the way when hubby shipped out to Viet Nam in 1966. Ultimately marriage didn't make it (it did for 22 years)but I am blessed to be able to call him one of my best friends and someone I will always care about. I know every time I have a catheter during surgery I get a stupid urinary tract infection ... don't know if that was the case with you or not. In any event, I love the way you write, the way you think and I am so glad I visited. I'll be back.

  28. Hey Connie~
    I hope you are feeling better real soon...eeek! Kidney stones...
    The closet looks great, but do try to rest...So glad you are able to blog!! You always bring a smile to my face!
    xxxooo Ruth

  29. Oh my, I hope you're feeling better now!

  30. Wow, what a day that must have been, But did you ever get to the fabric store? :) Seriously I hope you are much better and enjoying your clean closet. Something I need to do as well. TTFN

  31. You crack me up...we start with shopping after surgery...then ER...and strawberries and ice cream on a nauseated stomach...(ewww)....then cleaning out the too many towels! I hope you are taking it easy now. Sure do miss you! And it's always nice to have extra towels.


Comments are so nice and I thank all of you that leave one for me.