Sunday, December 14, 2008

My World of Treasures

Welcome to Cielo's World of Treasures Party. Go visit all the women who are participating in this wonderful party. Lots of beauty, treasures and eye candy. I want to thank that chickee, Cielo, profusely for all the work she has done on this one. It is a major undertaking when holding one of these events. Thank you, sweetpea!!!

I am truly blessed with many treasures. My family is my greatest treasure with hubs #1 on the list, of course. My kids rate right up there just after their father. But for treasured "things" it would have to be several things. First would have to be a spongeware bowl I purchased at Macy's many years ago. I love this bowl so much that I'd try to find it to carry out if a disaster occurred in my home. I've never been one to wear much jewelry and have given a lot of it to our kids because they'll inherit it one day anyway. But occasionally I'll get something from the women in my ebay group. I once admired a bracelet from Katie and she sent it to me. I have an exquisite charm from Sharon - a teeny tiny hand painted roses charm. A teacup hand painted ornament from Rhea is very special to me as they hang on my chandelier to remind me of her.

The next treasures are roses. I adore them and collect many different kinds. I've been given ceramic roses. I've bought paper roses, ceramic roses, silk roses and a rubbery kind of rose that looks exactly like the real thing! I've also made clay roses. Take a look at some today.

Katie's bracelet and a bird nest with roses that I've tried my hand at painting.

Little jar lids I've painted on.

Spongeware bowl I cherish.

My very first hand painted roses. Pretty sad but I love them as they are my first.

A coffee filter rose I made. These are labor intensive and will make more some day.

Another bird nest I painted for sale but no one bought it. Their loss! I like it!!!

Some mulberry tree roses I bought and will craft with them soon........

These are a kind of rubbery paper rose but you cannot tell them from the real thing. Simply gorgeous.

Silk ribbon ones I made for my lamp shade.

More silk roses that look and feel absolutely real - just like the real thing!

A satin rose I made for a curtain tie up.

Another ribbon rose made from a polka dot ribbon that I use as a tie up.

Same thing again, but used 2 different ribbon colors. Used as a tie up for a lace curtain.

Paper roses for a lamp shade.

Exquisite little hand painted charm given to me by a friend, Sharon.


  1. Love your beautiful arts with Roses! They are Special as You are, dear Connie!

    Merry Christmas!

  2. Love your fave things. Those rubber roses look real!

  3. Beautiful... would you please mention the party at the house in the roses and add a link on your post back to the party so people visiting you and go there and join in the fun... thanks

    I'll come back later to read and see everything


  4. qu´e hermosas rosas, las que tienes en la lámpara lucen hermosas

  5. Love Roses and loved my visit to your wonderful blog..beautiful..

  6. Connie:
    Your hand made flowers are just beautiful. You must be really crafty. Thanks for sharing your treasures. I also have a blue spongeware bowl very similar to yours.
    Roberta Anne

  7. I love all your hand made ribbon roses Connie - gorgeous eye-candy!!

  8. Thanks for participating in "World of Treasures and for all you did to make this a fun event..


  9. Well you are just too talented!! Hope you are having a great evening!

  10. So many beautiful roses. The ribbon roses, and of course the little ones painted by Sharon are lovely.

  11. Connie, WOW, you have the treasures, of course my fave's are the roses,especially the ribbon ones. They are so pretty and pink, as I noticed most of your roses were pink,maybe even all. Thanks for stopping by and admiring my clock. If I was a brave person I would try the Ebay thing but I am not. But thanks for the encouragement. TTFN

  12. Hi Connieness! Oh, I love your treasured roses! You're really good at making the ribbon roses! I love those. This was fun, wasn't it?
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  13. Your post maked me feel like singing Paper Roses!

  14. Ooooh! Such pretty treasures! Thanks for the eye candy!
    I want you to know, Connie--
    that YOU are a TREASURE!!!
    Blessings Chickee!!

  15. Lovely roses Connie, I love roses!!! Rachaelxo

  16. oh dear , Queen of sure are one talented lady...I am sure ROSES must be on your mind quite take the cake, rose shaped of course...
    beautiful, Connie.

  17. I love all of your treasures! That sponge bowl is wonderful! Your artwork is so pretty! You are really talented!

    Hugs, Sharon

  18. Ohh, I love roses too! I love the ribbon roses you made...some day I'll atempt some of my own.

  19. Hi Sweet Pea,

    Just finally taking the time to make the rounds and see what all my favorite ladies are up to.

    I hope all is going well with you and yours and you are cooking up some wonderful treats.

    Have a great day sweet pea.

    xo Cathy

  20. I love those ribbon roses! And I've been told your coffee filter roses are amazing from more that just one source.

    Your palace looks awesome! Lovely shade of pink.


  21. Hi Connie, I so enjoyed seeing your favorite treasures. The bowl is beautiful and all the faux roses are just gorgerous and do look so real.
    I also enjoyed catching up on what you have been up to lately and all the room painting is a big task, but so worth it. Are you finished? I bet it is gorgeous. I am going to paint a room pink with white furniture after the holidays. So looking forward to it.
    Hope you are enjoying the season and see you again soon. Merry Christmas
    hugs, Celestina Marie

  22. Hello Sis Connie! Love all your pretty rose treasures ~ your first hp ones, your coffee filter ones, the silk ribbon ones, love them all & how you lovingly decorate your home.

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  23. Connie - you have beautiful things! I always love to see what you post. You are so funny taking pix on dropcloth's!!! I love that you are a "take me as I am" person!! That is a very unique quality, high up there on my list of admirable assets!!!

  24. LOVELY fleurs

    thanks for sharing..Deena

  25. LOVELY fleurs

    thanks for sharing..Deena

  26. Isn't it amazing what one can do with a pickle or jelly jar? I save all of my jars and paint them too, but I paint all of the lids black, simply because I want them to look like they came out of an old fashioned mercantile...a lot of black was used in the olden days.

    Thanks for posting on my blog. We Idaho sisters have to stick together! Come back for a visit anytime.

  27. I love love your roses. How blessed you are to be able to create roses all day long if you choose... :0)


Comments are so nice and I thank all of you that leave one for me.