Sunday, December 21, 2008

A Day in the Life of Me At Christmas Time

I have mentioned this before but I'll say it again: I schedule my posts in advance most of the time. This post was done on 12/18/08 and will appear in a few days or so. Just for your reference as to the time frame.

Today there were quite a lot of things on my To Do list as you can see from my note that I would carry in my pocket as I went about them. My first stop was the bookstore and it started snowing while I was in there. Luckily it stopped soon after but I scurried around trying to get it done and be sitting in my nice warm home before the snow started seriously flying!

Baking cookies for Love Bunny to take to his people that he Home Teaches for our church was high on my list. Okay, all you feminists, just hold yer horses thar while I explain........or try to explain.

He loves to cook and bake but I had the house all neat and tidy and for him to bake would just be a bit frightful for me at this moment in time because he doesn't clean to my standards. Men even dribble their wet hands on the floor - among other things. So it's easier for me to do it while I'm home all day than for him to do it later at night. I try to help him but he really likes to tell the widows that he baked the cookies by himself. Okay, I'll lie and tell them he did the cookies, but it was less work for me to do it than for him to bake them AND clean up. There, you have one of my secrets!! ;-)

Fresh from the oven and cooling..........

Nothing says lovin' like somethin' from the oven............ Ummmm, can't you just smell them backing?!

Now, do you see all those packages of chicken breasts? Well, they had to be sealed in the vacuum bags but they had been purchased frozen. So I had to thaw them out just a bit to be able to separate them and to seal them in amounts we would eat for one meal. That was one of the other things on my list.

I needed a sugar fix to fortify me while baking and playing around with the chickens, so Wal Mart (for some forgotten rolls, couple cans of pink paint and a magazine) was a stop along the way! I also hit Walgreen's and Jack in the box for 2 gift cards for 2 youngest grandsons.

Last batch out of the oven. Looking and smelling wonderful, chicks..........

Now, while baking and vacuum sealing, the mail arrived and in it was this very unexpected scarf with her special roses embroidered on it from Gina in Wa. You could have knocked me over with a feather, I tell ya. But isn't it lovely?! Does that chickee know me or what, ladies?!?!?! She does indeed. A little scripture book marker accompanied it along with a sweet card from her.

Oh, and one of the TOP things on that list was to shave my legs!! Mission accomplished!


  1. OHMYGOSH! You are so ORGANISED! My first clue was your list. All organized people have lists. Like my husband.. I try to do lists--but they scare me. Like, what happens if I don't accomplish everything on my list? Well, my goodness, the Earth might open up and SWALLOW me! My next clue was you post AHEAD OF TIME!! I don't even know how to DO that!!
    And I covet your basement!! California doesn't have basements and it's a crying shame! What I wouldn't give for a basement! sigh.
    And I think it's FABULOUS of you to take such good care of your hubby--(baking cookies, and all).
    Anyway, just wanted to pop in an comment and tell you again how wonderful I think you are! ;-)
    Have a blessed Christmas you sweet Chickee!!!
    Blessings and hugs,

  2. well I hope your scarf keeps you warm this it looks like it will be a cold one...we are getting snowed on like you wouldn't hasn't stopped since 3pm and its 1am and we have about 5 is beautiful..there is no church either...have a wonderful weekend..:)

  3. I just love your blog! The name Connie drew me to it as that is my daughter's name!!
    Happy Holidays to You & Yours!!

  4. Connie glad to see your making it through your list... I am the queen of list... Can't live without them... I guess I need to make sure I am organized and get everything I want done... and that's why I am ready for Christmas... and anything more now is just extra... LOL LOL Loved all your photos today and I think it is great that you baked for Love Bunny... I do the same... Have a Blessed Sunday...


  5. Connie,

    I knew I could smell cookies baking. What the hec???? Where are my cookies sweet pea? I know, I know I need to go bake my own.

    I think I am going to make some snowball cookies today. My fav and DH's too. Double batch of Snowballs comin' up.

    Keep warm and snuggly today. It's very cold here and snowing delightfully, I can relate!

    Have a wonderful day sweet cheeks.

    xo Cath

  6. I always learn something from you.
    Really you are so organised.
    And what a lovely gift from Gina.
    Thank you for sharing.

    I wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New year, my dear friend!

  7. Hi sweetie! I first want to tell you thank you for leaving me such an encouraging comment on my blog this morning. It was just what I needed. You are a little ahead of me with the empty nest thing and I really do appreciate the advice and encouragement! You are a great role model for me. I love how you have gotten so close to your hubby!

    As far as your post rock! I love how organized you are. I too am a list person and I think the old list makes me get more done! The cookies look awesome! I know what you mean about a man in the kitchen and their standards vs ours! I have let a lot of that go and just go in after him and tidy up! Mine has gotten pretty good, but I can always find "evidence" after he's been in there! LOL!

    Hugs, Sharon

  8. Connie,The first pic is so pretty.I thought it was a cake at first.I love that,I want one too.Did you make it?

    Your cookies look yummy,yes men and boys cooking in the kitchen always leaves ya with a big mess.Even though they say its clean its NOT the way we would do it.

    Lucky you can split the chicken breast up.LOL we use the whole package with the 5 of us.

    I do a list too.Or I will NOt remember what I needed to get or do in the first place.LOL

    Merry Christmas.Love ya,Jen

  9. Hi Connie! I swear I could smell that last batch of cookie! And they are my kind of cookies just slice and bake! LOL!!!!

  10. Hi Connie, the cookies look so yummy. Your home is always so tidy and pretty. I love it. Wow you have been so busy and it shows. Your new rooms look amazing. The scarf is a beautiful gift and so pretty. Perfect for you.
    Merry Christmas to you and your dear hubby. Best wishes for a great New Year and see you again soon.
    Love ya, Celestina Marie

  11. Evening, Connieness! I'm impressed with all you're doing - the list making! I make 'em and then loose them! lol Congratulations on receiving your lovely gifts! You'll look so lovely in your pink scarf. Now, Connieness, did you get those hairy little legs shaved? lol As I get older the hair on my legs has slowed down growing so fast! lol
    Be a sweetie and I wish you and Love Bunny a blessed Merry Christmas,
    shelia ;)

  12. ey sweet chick,I see you been a very bust Christmas bee.I love your toaster I see in the backround.Love the cookies too.I just droped by to say hello and wish you Merry.Have a safe and happy New Year.Hugs Marie Antionette

  13. Hey Connie...I've seen you around blogland and I'm so glad you stopped in for a visit! I didn't realize you and I shared a church...VERY COOL! And you can surely still be a Mormon kids are all grown up too...but we never stop being MOM! Enjoyed this post...the cookies look yummy and I was cracking up that you'd rather bake and clean up than let the hubby mess up the kitchen. Does that mean if I threaten to come and cook at your house you'll send ME some cookies????

  14. I am a list ,aker also but it always seems when I leave the house to run the errands I find I forgot it home....daaaa.

    Hope your love bunny appreciates you as much as we do.

    Happy holidays to you and your family


  15. Connie, I too love a list - such a feeling of accomplishment when you have ticked everything off. Your cookies look yummy and I am sure they are much appreciated by the recipients.
    I hope you, LB and the family have a great Christmas.

  16. Yummy! I can smell them all the way up here! LOVE the cake that your list is against. So pretty! I don't have a list because I spend WAY too much time making things. Trying to change that! Thanks for your nice words. You are always such an encouragement, not only by what you say, but by what you do! What a nice gift. It's so you!

  17. Morning, Connieness! Whether it's bubbles or flakes I hope your day is filled with wonderfulness!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  18. Your cookies all look so scrumptious! I'm with you on the organization aspect--things are so much easier to accomplish if you know just what you need to do, and when you need to do it! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas with your family!

  19. oooo, I have been baking cookies, too...sugar ones with maple icing, candy cane ones with glaze, some peanut candy, a pecan pie and a pumpkin pie...I am soooo getting all ready. We'll have ham sandwiches and chili for C. Eve and LOTS OF SWEETS! Yummy...
    Your cookies look delicious....

  20. Connie:
    You are ahead on your postings and I am about three days behind on visiting all my favorite blogs. The cookies in your homey kitchen looked so good. I am also a list maker but I am envious of all the lines across your to do item. Wishing you a happy Christmas.
    Roberta Anne

  21. Oh Yum! I would eat all those!

  22. Merry Christmas! Everything looks so good - I am craving a cookie right now , with milk please. I'm saving my baking for the very last minute as I have no will power and will eat them all. Sue

  23. Multi task, multi task! You seem to be very good at it. And my Dear Hubs drives me crazy with the hands and the dribbled water all over the kitchen floor. . .

    I got a kick out of that!


  24. Thanks for the tips, Connie!

  25. Hey Connie; My what yummy looking cookies and pretty pretties.
    Hope you have a wonderful Merry Christmas with family and friends.


  26. wowee the cookies look so good. I have been making candy today. You are so funny ... about shaving your legs ! I need to do that too. I have been so busy , mine have grown so long you could plait them !


Comments are so nice and I thank all of you that leave one for me.