Sunday, November 16, 2008

Being Home #2

Another small passion of mine is writing. Not in the mystery or general fiction genre but just my own concordant musings and ramblings. I'm even putting together a "history" of me to leave to my kids someday - complete with pictures! Absolutely nothing in it is negative. It's just small remembrances about my childhood and some things from theirs also as I remember those little things that pop into my mind as a young mother.

One of my all time favorite authors on lifestyle is Alexandra Stoddard. I absolutely love her books. I bought Living A Beautiful Life over 20 years ago and use it as a coloring book. Yep, that's right, chickees, a coloring book and a guide for living. The illustrations are black and white but this woman is passionate about color. Hmmmmm, go figure.
This book absolutely changed my life.

Anyway, it is what has shaped my life most outside of the scriptures. I read it from time to time to see what I can do next to live even more beautifully. I truly think of life as beautiful.

Living Beautifully Together was the second book I bought of hers. Also a wonderful book outside of scriptures.

Passionate Love Letters was a gift to me from a young woman in my Young Women's class at church. (If she was thinking "passionate" maybe I failed her, hmmmm???!!!) But no, it isn't about the physical passion but rather being passionate about someone. The letters were not lurid in their detail, but love letters from Napoleon to Josephine, George Bernard Shaw to Beatrice Campbell, Gustave Flaubert to Louise Colet and Agnes deMille to Walter Prude to name just a few. Inside the book are little envelopes, some extremely tiny, and letters in them copied from the originals. What a delight! But it intrigued me to write. Oh, not passionate letters, just write anything.

Everyday Letters for all Occasions is simply the best book to have around when you can't think of what to write to someone or don't know how to write effective letters. I love this book and have used it for reference over the years. Plus it gives you ideas and good "writing style" with which to develop your own.

Another one of Stoddard's books that I like is Daring To Be Yourself, but I truly try to be as the Lord wants me to be. Oh, that's not to say I can't be chuckly and have a sense of humor but I don't like hurting people for my own self-gratification. That's NOT to say I haven't done it. Not at all. I am, after all, very human; it's just that I try to be ALL I can be - kind, loving, humble (working hard on that one!), charitable and just all around good person. I work at maintaining my individuality also. I'm first and foremost a child of God and then just me - a unique individual/woman/wife/mother/sister/friend. This helps me to do just that but the scriptures take precedence over all of the books I have.


  1. Connie, I applaud you for leaving your written memories for your children. I remember sitting with my grandmother on her front verandah where she would tell me stories about the 'olden days'. None of us ever thought to write down those stories and now I struggle to retell them to my children who never knew my gran or the hardships she endured. Why didn't we ever record these wonderful memories???

  2. Connie,Goodmorning!I love A.S. also.Mom has all her books!There wonderful.I love her ideas and they do help you lead a happy and enjoyful life.I too enjoy writing.I used to spend alot of time doing it.I have quite a few great dane stories that I have wrote and my great dane group says I should send them in.LOL Someday who knows.Hugs to you,Jen

  3. Connie, what interesting books you have. I wish I was nearer to pop over and read over your shoulder!

  4. Connie, there is nothing better than a post on a relaxing Sunday morning about "Living Life Beautifully" I must say I am blessed to have a great life. Perfect, NO. No one's ever is, but beautiful and bountiful, YES.

    Thank you for the sweet reminder what is important ~ living the best life you possibly can.

    Have a wonderful Sunday.

    xo Cath

  5. Hi Connie
    What a wonderful memory you are creating of yourself and in a very positive way. Something to live on and on...I like that. I've noticed there are so many things I thought my guys know about me or the family because they are family, but they were small and they have forgotten. I've started talking more about certain times with them.
    I've truly enjoyed learning about your books. Unfortunately I wasn't familiar with them but am truly intriged now. The one you are colouring in sounds very interesting and you are putting your style to it with colouring.

    Thank you for the lovely comment *hugs* you left for me. I have many American friends now and appreciate their thoughts and differences I might not have been aware of before. Its funny but there is only a bridge that separates us where I many things are so alike and others are different. Funny what water does eh? In the whole realm of things we are alike and what isn't is special to share.

    Come back again. I have been enjoying your posts...

  6. My blog will be left when I'm long gone and I hope my kids will read it and know how much I loved them, where they came from and why I did what I did.

  7. Connie what a great thing to do writing memories to share with your children..Great post today as always girl..thanks for sharing these books..hugs and smiles Gloria

  8. I love Alexandra's books...just taking a little extra time to make things special, even if it's only for myself can really change your outlook on life.

  9. Connie, I admire you for writing your memories for your children. You have really given me something to think about. As I love genealogy, I am more excited when I find information about my ancestors' lives than when I find a name or date. Also, the books that you read sound intriguing. My mother always told me that what a person reads tells alot about her. I am anxious to read your next installment.

  10. How wonderful that you write all those things down. I had always intended to do that with Mom and never made the opportunity and I now regret it. So, good that you are doing that. Love AS too, I have several of her books as well.



  11. Connie - you are so sweet! The things you do are so wonderful. I love Alexandra Stoddard also and have several of her books and I always buy new ones when they come out. My absolute favorite of hers is "Grace Notes". I have it on my desk at work and start each day with the reading for that day. It is truly a wonderful way to start my workday.

  12. Thankyou for your post I have been looking for books like these. I just purchased Living a Beautiful life from ebay. And will add the others to my reading list.

    Thankyou for your wonderful posts:)


  13. Oh! I'm reading the wrong stuff! Just kidding. I haven't had the time/desire to read anything lately. Or even keep up with my poor little blog for that matter. Sounds inspiring, which is something everyone needs from time to time.

    Missed you yesterday. Hope all is well! All those paint fumes didn't get to you, did they? lol


  14. I think it's a great idea to leave your memories in print for your children to see. My brother, as he was battling Cancer did the same thing and journaled everyday until the end. His kids are able to go back and read all he wrote and those words are so special to them.

  15. Hi Connie,
    I also enjoy and have read Alexandra's books. I have her Tea book and did have her first one.
    I scrapbook and hope the kids appreciate them one day.

  16. I am afraid in the days of modern technology the written word is going to be lost without some to preserve it. We are consumed with short messages, abbreviations, etc which aren't exactly things you want to read again and again. Keep writing in your own special way for they will be cherished moments for others to share.

  17. How do you find time for it all? Reading books ends up being last on my list. I only have time to read when we're hopping on a plane to go somewhere.

    Thanks for the reading list :)

  18. Connie what wonderful books to have and get inspiration from!!
    Have a wonderful week chickie!

  19. I'm first and foremost a child of God and then just me - a unique individual/woman/wife/mother/sister/friend. I can testify to the friend side of you...the very best kind anyone could have.

  20. Ooo, they all look like great books!

  21. Hello Connie Dear!

    Living a Beautiful Life changed my life to! I have several of her books to, all with yellow highlight marker throughout them! Reading her books makes me feel like a real woman!

    Happy FHE!


  22. Hey Connie,
    These books sound wonderful...that's wonderful that you are writting a journal with memories you want to share with your precious. That is sure to become such a treasure to them.

    I really liked seeing more of the nursery ...Hope you'll stop by soon, you can always access my blog by signing in. Have a great day!

  23. I enjoyed reading all your thoughts here. I do journaling in photo albums, and I keep a journal jar (pull out a question a day to answer) I do fall behind with this one.

    I hope your blue day turns into pink tomorrow -- or yellow! Yellow is a happy and bright!



Comments are so nice and I thank all of you that leave one for me.