Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Being Home #1

I was recently talking on the phone to a good friend who was a bit down and lives about an hour away. She's a stay-at-home mom - 4 kids, one boy on a mission, one daughter newly married and girl, 14 and boy, 17 still at home. She's feeling the soon-to-be empty nest syndrome and fretting about it somewhat. She's one of the best moms I've ever seen. She's very diligent and one child is her trial in life! Hah..... I know that feeling. But she's trying to figure out how to make her life mean more or as I put it to her the other day: finding her passion. And that's not yet within her reach or grasp - that Passion.

I talked with her for about an hour throwing out suggestions but she kept saying "no, that's not it." She paints in watercolors and is very good but that isn't a passion. We never did hit upon it and I know her pretty well. She doesn't give herself enough credit even when her wonderful hubby DOES. He loves her being home for their kids.

I have many passions. I think the strongest passion is decorating my home to be a refuge from the world in the coming times. My second biggest passion is painting a rose. Ooooh, I'd like to paint just about anything but roses were a true passion! I've finally produced one that I can "live with" (my old english teacher would cringe at that clause - ending with a preposition!).

But that got me to thinking about a lot of things I do.

I love being home and love having my time mine. Well, I do for the most part. When hubby went to San Diego for 4 days I missed him - especially at night. But my days were free from having to stop doing something and get dinners, etc. While pondering on this today I thought I'd post a little about "being home."

I love the freedom being here gives me. I didn't realize this until I chose to stay at home when we moved to Idaho several years ago. It's absolutely a choice I'd make again! I do realize it isn't for everyone, but I absolutely love it after all those years working at a job and trying to keep up a home while hubby and I shared duties and child raising. But bear with me for a little while, my sweet chicks.

Ironing. I love the sereneness it gives me. While ironing is a chore I put off until I absolutely have to do it, it still brings me pleasure. I love the iron gliding over the white shirts and pillowcases (when I iron them), the steam rising up from the iron and the way it looks in my linen closet. And the pride I get when I look at a "job well done." And the pleasure it gives Love Bunny when he puts on a crisp white shirt. I love the look of freshly laundered clothing hanging in our closet and peeking out at me from the shelves in our armoire.

Okay okay, so it ain't so neat; live with it!!!! ;-)

He's very picky about his collars since he's a retired Marine. *Sigh*............

You can see here I'm a very "colorful" chick. :-)

Okay, truth???? His white shirts that he only wears with a suit I only iron the collar and front. He never takes off his suit jacket so no problem here and it saves me time.

Fresh sheets with fabric softener just smell so good in the closet. Mmmmmmm....

I love the blue dials on the iron. I select things for color if at all possible and was fortunate here.

I think I am going to do a series of articles on this and what I do each day so you might want to stay tuned.


  1. I won't say ironing is a passion of mine!! Glad you LOVE it so!!!

    It's great that we all know our passions. Perhaps for the mom you referred to...her passion is still her kids. But...that will all change. She needs to be open to finding out what makes her light up!!!

    My passions are decorating and making our home a refuge...that's soft, cozy and, baking and entertaining friends for dinner or TEA.


  2. Nice reading Connie.
    Ironing isnt my favourite thing, but I do admit that when the clothes are all pressed and looking good, I feel a sense of achievement.

  3. My room-mate at BYU loved to iron. I don't unless I'm in a terrible mood and removing hard-pressed wrinkles becomes theraputic. Usually the toilets get the brunt of that nonsense.

    Finding passion? What do you think I try to do nowadays? I understand your friends "I don't know" attitude. Next year all Farmers will be in school and I'll have six whole hours to 'myself' everyday they're away. My goal is not to wait until they've officially flown the coop.

    Wish me luck, I'm gonna need it. Passion doesn't come easy for me! lol


  4. I love being at home also. I was at home when my children were very young. I retired almost two years ago although I am working one day a week. I understand exatly what you mean about ironing. I sometimes think that ironing is a lost art. Two of my daughters and many friends do not iron. When my daughters' children stay with me overnight on a school night, I love to iron their school clothes. If any grandchild leaves clothing at our house, I iron it. It just gives me a good feeling to see the finished product. I really enjoyed your post. Please keep them coming.

  5. I have so many passions but the housework of any kind is not one... Now cooking & baking definately is one... and so many others... Being outdoors and enjoying nature is another.. I would need a couple of pages to list them all... Great post... Have a fantastic day... Hope your friend handles the empty nest syndrome good...


  6. Hey Connie,
    This is a great post...I hope the mom you mentioned does find her passion. I know she will. I too love being at home and taking care of everything.... I'd have to say that finding trash and making it into treasure is one of my many passions....and yard sales are my passion too...yes, really! You know I love those yard sales, that's where I find all the trash LOL! I also love finding out more about antiques and collectibles in my many books that I have. BTW...I love your iron with the robin's egg it doesn't get any better than that honey!

  7. OK Connie I LOVE being at home but I'm drawing the line at ever saying I enjoy any part of ironing....hate it.

  8. Connie, I too love being at home. I'm lucky enough to work from home and combine it with being a stay at home mum. I truly do enjoy all domestic duties....hmmm, except ironing. I wish I had your passion for it. I do the ironing and I like everything to be ironed properly. I just don't enjoy doing it.
    If you get time, pop on over I'm having a 100th post giveaway.

  9. Hey Connie; I don't care to iron, but I do, and I do love how they look when I am done, almost hate to use them and put in wrinkles. lol

    I am glad I am at home again too.


  10. My goodness dear, who knew you would wax so rhapsodic about the WORST CHORE IN THE WORLD!

    But you're right -- I do love the fragrance of ironing with starch. Now THAT is comforting to me, remind me of Mom!

  11. HiConnie,
    I enjoy ironing. I know there aren't many of "us" around. It's relaxing for me.
    I also love my life of a stay at home wife. I may have to find a job after the holidays unless the real estate market picks up... alot. My husband is great, God is Good, I am Blessed.


Comments are so nice and I thank all of you that leave one for me.