Sunday, October 12, 2008

Vintage Desk - Step 2

My daughter gave me these paper lanterns a couple of years ago. (We exchange things a lot, but it's to her advantage because whatever I "borrow" from her, she'll inherit! AND in much better frou-frou condition! She's a girly-girl also. *Wink*!) But I cannot figure out where in this room to put them. Only a 60 watt bulb can be used so they don't throw off a lot of light but it is soft and pretty anyway. What do you think? Should I put them on either side of one of the desks or one over one desk and one over the other? Desks are across the room from one another.~*~

My little cherubs, I blog and post these - and all- pictures to help you get ideas for your homes. (I believe the way the world situation is going that we'll be spending more time in our homes and trying to make them a refuge for us.) I show so many photos so that you can see the process by which you can create something from a ratty vintage school desk. So bear with me while I tell the story below. *Sigh*........................

I decided I want to cover the drawers on the vintage school desk instead of painting them. The sides, legs and back of the desk will be painted white but I wanted to give a bit of pizzazz to it. So I am covering it with some roses fabric remnants I have left. I have a ROOM full of rose fabrics!!! I need to start using some of the scraps. Love Bunny has spoken. ;-) Well, he's "suggested" I do something with what's in there.

A couple of friends have suggested using fabric softener to adhere the fabric to the item being covered and I'm trying it. I use the Suavitel and it is the best smelling stuff I've ever had. My laundry room smells like it and everyone traipsing through that room always comments on how good my house smells. Hahhhhhh.......they should have been in here the other night when hubs burnt our popcorn!! Maaaaaan, I tell you, I burned Glade Angel Whispers candles the whole day after and it still smelled like burnt popcorn!! Will he hear the end of this one???? We'll see how long it takes the smell to dissipate before I make a decision on that one!

First drawer to get covered. I just dipped the fabric in the softener and stuck it to the drawer and let it dry.

The original stickers on the pull-out board the teacher put there are still on it. I'm leaving them on. They say: hot lunch, milk, cold or absent. I don't have the heart to take them off........

I kept waiting for the fabric to dry and hit me!! It wasn't fabric softener she recommended; it was liquid starch! DUH moment......totally embarrassed. I didn't have any. Okay, I now have the best smelling drawers in the state of Idaho. Can ya smell me over there in Oregon?!?! Hmmmm??? Maybe Montana or Wyoming??? Yep, sure smells wonderful here now.

Ya still with me?!?!? So hubs and I went to Red Robin for dinner and then tried to fit a bit of shopping in for liquid starch. It was cold and we had to go to 2 stores to find it. So then I come home and put the starch on and this morning it isn't adhering quite as well as I'd hope for so I used just the tiniest bit of Mod Podge to hold it on. I figure if I don't put on much I can just peel the fabric off if I ever want to change it again. I'm sure hoping this works.

This bottom drawer is just one deep drawer although it has 2 handles and looks like two. So I got a bit creative.

Would you look at the way they used to keep the drawer from falling out! I've never seen anything like it and I'm from that generation. I guess I wasn't too much into looking at the back of drawers at that point in my life. ;-)

This is the pencil drawer and I'm telling you that is a lethal weapon on the back of it! If I ever need to confront a burglar I'll just tell him to hold on a minute while I pull my drawer out! I figure at that point he'll run from the house screaming for fear of my lunacy.

So here it is so far.

So my creativity extended to putting a bit of trim over that little "divide" on the deep drawer and then putting a paper rose on it with the ol' glue gun.

Close up of the rose with a bit of added "fluff" - a bit of netting!

Now, I'm not looking for compliments. I'm simply trying to show you how something utilitarian can still be functional when we add to its beauty. I get to live with it (it's mine.......squeeeeeeeeal!!), but anyone can do this no matter what style you have in your home. Just take what I've done and translate it into your OWN style or decor. Country? Use some of your fabric around your home or paint the drawers a different color than the rest of the desk or do a "plaid or faux" paint technique. Use your imagination. Let it run wild with the anticipation of what you're capable of doing! This can apply to modern or traditional or whatever.

Okay, my little cherubs, gotta go paint those handles "Pink"!!
:-) <--------- That's me grinning from ear to ear!!! LOL

Okay, I went out and finished the handles and decided to just update everything for this one post. I LOVE the handles with it! I tramped out to Home Depot and tried to find some I liked better but nope, none I like better than the original ones sprayed pink. So now all I have to do it paint the rest.

:-)<------------still grinning, my sweet chicks!!! LOL


  1. Connie, you are so imaginative. and pretty clever too!

  2. It's looking terrific...can't wait to see it fully painted!!!

  3. Hi, Connie, thank you for stopping by to see me. Looks like a fun project you're working on there. Come back & see me sometime!

  4. Super cute Connie.Love it.I want those lanterns!!!!They are terrific.If ya sell them let me know first.

    Is it snowing where you live yet?I came in on the end of the news and thought I saw that?I did read above that you said it was cold but didnt see anything about snow..Stay warm!!Hugs Jen

  5. Hi Connie... I am Donna and thought I'd visit you today and I am so gald I did... I try to add a couple of new friend to my favorite each week and I am glad I found you... Great Blog... Come visit me and when you do don't forget to sign my guest book... I am adding you to my favorites...


    ps... what journey are you taking next summer?

  6. Oh Connie, that is delightful. I forgot about that type of application, I once did a bathroom wall in fabric, but I used liquid starch.

  7. I absolutely LOVE this idea! Right now I'm eyeing up my ugly computer desk and dreaming of all the possibilities!

    I adore what you did to the middle of the double drawer front!

    Can't wait to see the finished desk!

  8. connie, I love your desk! Great job, and very funny you used fabric softener! I think you should hang those beautiful paper lanterns together, since they don't put out a lot of light, I just think they'll have more impact when hung together! Happy Pink Saturday! Suzie

  9. Connie this was just to kool.I love the way the desk came out,so pretty,I'm gkad you painted the handels,and made the divide,But I'm still laughing,because of the weapon drawer.I was picturing in my head ,when the would be intruder runs from your house.That is so funny,I got my laugh for the day.BTW,I love the lanterns,they are so pretty.They look like they should hang in a corner.Hugs Marie Antionette

  10. i use the same fabric softener but in yellow..will have to try the blue...but our home teachers that come once a month to eat dinner..I just love these guys...Pasquale in particular, well he washed his hands and said my laundry always smells so good...that made me smile..cause that is the cheapest fabric softener out there...I I read your post and you were using softener..I am like NO its liquid can also do large pieces of fabric and use it as wallpaper..great for people who rent...cause from what I am told (I have never used this sfuff) you can peel it right off and just wash it and resuse it again...have a good one...:)

  11. Very clever! I never would have thought to do that but now I may have to try it on my file cabinets. Thanks toots!


  12. Very clever! I never would have thought to do that but now I may have to try it on my file cabinets. Thanks toots!


  13. WOO HOO Thanks for visiting... Next time would you sign my guest book Please... I just know we're going to be great bloggin buddies...


  14. Hi Connie,

    What creativity you have. I would never have thought of covering the old desk drawers with fabric. That is a great idea. You've given me a great idea for an old night stand that I have had. I just might have to try it.

    Don't feel bad for posting lots of photos. I love seeing all of them and they give me so many great ideas. The more pictures the better! I love visiting your blog every day or so to see all the new things you have been doing.

    Take care and enjoy what's left of the weekend.


  15. I was gasping when I read you used liquid SOFTENER..but then relaxed (and started laughing) when you realized you're suppose to use STARCH!!
    I used to wallpaper my walls with sheets with Fabric Starch starting 27 years ago when Zac (1st son) was a worked well in the rentals as it didn't hurt the walls. Plus, I changed my mind so often I liked that it wasn't as permanent as wallpaper!
    I love what you did to the desk--I'd forgotten about the Starch technique and was thinking of mod-poging a table--think I'll do the starch instead!
    Thanks for your lovely comments--you are so sweet and encouraging! I appreciate your friendship!!

  16. LOL about the fabric softner vs spray starch! The desk if darling what a great way to add some of your personality to a room.

  17. Hi Connie!!! You just amaze me with how to reinvent things. Let us know when you get it all done. Love the fabric!!! BTW, those lanterns are just adorable!!!!!!!!!!

    xoxoxo and thanks for the support as of late!


  18. Connie, what a great idea for the drawer fronts - thank you for sharing!! I love your lanterns. I think they would be so pretty both hanging together in a corner of the room, one hung slightly higher than the other. Great job!


  19. Hi Connie, this is terrific and looks wonderful. Of course the story behind your projects always keep me entertained. But really what a pretty look for that desk. When you add the white it will really be a show stopper.

    I added some toile fabric to my studio desk and I used spray adhesive. Little messy, but it is stuck forever! LOL

    Love the fabric softner room freshner. I think you invented an idea without even knowing it. LOL You are too cute!!
    Smiles~~hugs, Celestina
    la rea rose

  20. Oh sweet Connie; You never fail to make me laugh. Love it and you.
    I just love how the old desk turned out, you did a great job on it. As far as the paper lanterns, I would put one over each desk to have a all together look what a lovely glow they would make over you pretty pink desks, oh and use a pink bulb in it. How sweet would that be....
    Have a great week.


  21. Connie,
    What a clever idea to see done on a desk no less! I am loving how it looks. The story simply made my day too! Hey, what's a little fabric softner among friends? Besides, it helped with the starch smell I am sure. I love those lanterns and use them in my yard in summer. I think given the way this desk is headed you should use them both over the desk to complete the picture!

  22. Oh my gosh, you are so funny! I've never heard of using fabric softener (ahem, I mean liquid starch)to put fabric on wood - it looks GREAT!! And I have no idea where you could use two 60W paper lanterns but they are GORGEOUS, so I recommend finding somewhere to use them!! ... Donna

  23. hi chickadee
    I love the lantern lights and I like the idea of one over each desk you can always move them if
    it doesn't work the beauty of having your own room!!
    The desk drawers look great all spiffed up with rose fabric.
    Egads Have never seen such a lethal drawer before!!!

  24. Connie, I nearly choked on my nibble of popped corn when I read your tid bit about hubs (where is the Love Bunny reference?)burning the popcorn and how you tried in vain to cover up the stinch with Glade Angel Whispers candles. OMG you are the funniest chickee around!!
    On to the serious business at hand---I'm trying reallll hard to be serious, now! Especially when I re-read your opening statement about how your daughter will have the advantage in your exchanges----I am laughing like a crazy woman again. Anyway, back to being serious--you are so clever for covering the drawers (lethal weapon and all) to your little desk with the fabric. It looks so sweet and shabby and girly! You did a terrific job, Connie-chickee!!! Hope you had a terrific Sunday---cuz YOU just made mine terrific! L, Dana

  25. Connie, What an adorable desk.. You did a great job (so far), It will be wonderful when it's all finished. Have fun darling.
    Have a happy day! ~Mary~ :-}

  26. Connie ~ That is so sweet and such a pretty transformation ~ When you said fabric softener I just was so surprised about that ~ I am even surprised about starch too though ~
    I love it !

  27. It turned out adorable! I never would have thought to put fabric on the drawers. Very, very cute! Funny story about the fabric softner!

    Hugs, Sharon

  28. Fabric.... I was expecting paint! I kept reading the post thinking, "Not fabric softner, STARCH" and had to laugh from your discovery! Looks awesome, pink rooster and all. Though hands down fabric softner smells 100x's better than any starch!

    Color me green!


  29. Fabric.... I was expecting paint! I kept reading the post thinking, "Not fabric softner, STARCH" and had to laugh from your discovery! Looks awesome, pink rooster and all. Though hands down fabric softner smells 100x's better than any starch!

    Color me green!


  30. That looks great Connie, and I think it will look even better when it is painted! How well do you think the fabric is stuck down with the starch?

  31. You are just one creative and inspiring lady you!

    This looks wonderful.


  32. Fantastic job, Connie. Going to look great in your pink room.

  33. Connie,
    This is one of the reasons I love your give us all so many ideas to enhance our homes...our we can be blessings to that creative mind of yours and all that you share...

  34. Connie, you little lunatic!! I'm just giggling at this post! What weirdness on the back of those drawers!! Now, a burglar might just stay if you told him you were gonna go "get your drawers!".....hmmmm.....

    Think about it! ;0)

    Love you,
    Angelic Accents


Comments are so nice and I thank all of you that leave one for me.