Friday, July 18, 2008

Friday Fluff for You Chicks!

I took this picture late in the day but they're thanks to me, of course. Hubs is the one who grows things around here. Yes, those are 3 different hydrangeas. You have no idea how hard it is to grow some things in the deserts. Never take for granted your lush gardens. We fight for every blade of grass we get here!

This hosta is doing quite well also. I absolutely love hostas because they usually grow in shade and remind me of lazy summer days but here in the desert you have to "nurse" them along. I'm thrilled this one has lasted and continues to come back year after year.

Just thought I'd show you what can be done with "plain ol' jars" when you fill them with ribbons and "stuff'!

A tray I found at the antique shop in Calif. It's not an antique but it wasn't expensive and I liked it. What I'll do with it is still a mystery though! :-)

Picked this up at the thrift store for a dollar or two and will put on a wall somewhere. Too cute to pass up. Isn't that phrase becoming my mantra?!?!?! Hmmmm.......

I collect pitchers and this one found its way into my cart. Imagine that!!!

Got these for a song also. But they'll both get a coat of white paint when the wind is still. A bit breezy today but who knows what tomorrow will bring. I love the breeze but cannot paint in it.

I cannot tell you my excitement when I saw this wonderful vintage suitcase! I almost shouted for joy getting to the register. The inside is in great condition - burgundy. But this little sweetie is getting a roses makeover. I don't know if I'll sell it or keep it for storage, but wait till you see it next time. ;-)

When we returned to daughter's house we were sitting around talking monday night and Love Bunny fell asleep in the chair and kinda snored and we just looked at him. I looked at my daughter and said, "You come from the same gene pool, ya know?!" She sobered up quite quickly! She loves her dad though. It was one of "those moments" and quite funny.....


  1. I am so bad at stopping by to visit anyone and I know it is a bloggers responsability to do it but I am so tangled up in making my blog over and tryin to give everything away I forget... sooo I am here to say that I will promise to be a good blogger and make my visits..!!ok now that I have done that I can focas on other items of intrest!!...I love these flowers they are one of my favs for sure.. the colors they come in are amazing!!!I hope you got my invite to my whimsy ladies group? if not its googles fault and will get there but you can go see what its all about and the link is on my site...whimsy wishes

  2. Connie, your climate must be so different, is it really desert? How amazing that you can even grow hydrangeas there, as they need cool spaces and water!

  3. Love all your finds!
    You have a lovely home also!!
    Nice to see that your beautiful flowers are doing so well.
    Have a nice weekend!
    Kisses Kisses

  4. Hi Connie...

    I'm partial to Hydrangeas...we have a couple varieties and LOTS of plants of each!! Love 'em! Yours are doing well.

    That tray is beautiful as are all the other items you got. Looking forward to seeing the suitcase all finished.


  5. Hi Connie... such neat goodies you found! I am looking forward to seeing what you end up doing with your suitcase! Your blossoms are so pretty and I am sure you're working hard to keep things so green. God bless...


    Stop by sometime... I'm having a Give~Away!

  6. I have never tried Hydrangeas although they grow like weeds here in Florida!! Yours look like they are doing well.
    Love all of your finds from your travels. The suitcase.. mm I have a bit of a suitcase fetish/lol!!
    Love those jars... you are so inventive!!
    Thanks for the Friday goodies!!
    Catch ya tomorrow when we will be in the Pink!!

  7. Hi Connie! Wow I just love hydrangeas and I can't seem to grow any. They just die! I love all your treasures today!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  8. Can't wait to see your mag cover, Conniekins!!

    Continue to be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  9. have some amazing FINDs!!! You did girl!!! I might have to pop over and midnight rec a few of those from you. Esp the one with rooster! lol

    So glad to have to back safe and sound. Did you read I need to pick your brain...I am thinking of doing a Flea Market Friday Blog...ideas please!

    Love ya..Lorena

  10. Dear Connie,
    Thank you for visiting me and for all your sweet comments!!! You really blessed me today! Your blog is so lovely! I love your beautiful flowers and pretty finds!!! So glad you found such nice things for your home! You are such a positive and sweet chickee! I hope you have a lovely weekend!

    Your Louisiana chickadee,

  11. Dear Connie,
    It is me again! I found the link to visit your home pictures and wanted you to know your home is so pretty!!! I love pink too!
    The Lord bless you!

  12. Hello My Dear Connie!

    Yes, you make those lemon squares for your sweetie pie and have fun tonight! ;)

    GREAT pics of your finds!!! The fluffy flowers are so pretty to! Have a wonderful weekend and talk to ya soon!


  13. Connie what fabulous thrift finds.
    Looks like you are going to be busy with the paint

  14. Hi Connie, I love all your treasured finds! Especially that vintage suit case! Looking forward to seeing what you have planned for it!
    I also love your Hydrangeas.

  15. Where do you find the time to do all the things you do? Don't you ever SLEEP? Gorgeous stuff though!

  16. Great great treasures! Can't wait to see what you create with them! I'll be a waitin' fer yer pretties!


Comments are so nice and I thank all of you that leave one for me.