Monday, June 23, 2008

Don't Hate Me Because I'm Beautiful!!!

Oh my sweet little birdies, I didn't mean ME; I meant the chair covers!!! And some people have emailed me asking where the slip/chair cover comes from. Okay, here is that sweet lady's website. She is an absolute doll and she MOST affordable covers I've ever seen!!!!!!!

Ronda's Chair Covers


There's a story behind this!!

The last couple of years I've gone through 2 or 3 of those "el cheapo" chair floor pads because our floor is carpet with thick padding and they keep breaking. I'm tired of giving Mr. Costco so much money so I had an idea! Nuuuuuuuuu, some of my ideas are quite good actually!!!! Be nice. :-)

Okay, a couple of weeks ago I asked my little Love Bunny if he'd take some of the scraps left from his model train room in the 3rd car garage and put it down in my office. Nice thick plywood, right?! Well, it started "splintering" with these rollers on the chair. Hmmmm, so I got to thinkin' again! Nuuuuuuuuuuuu, good idea, chicks! I asked him to paint it and then we'd varnish it to protect it from further "splintering."

Now, I wanted this done friday and saturday because hubs was to leave for northern Idaho for a convention and be gone for 3 days. (I must say here that I'm not a patient person when I get one of my hare-brained........uhhhhhhh, I mean BRILLIANT ideas! Sooooo the only color of paint he had a full can of was bright red. I said that'll do because I didn't want him running to Home Depot, just wanted the job done. It is truly a TRUE red and not at all orangish as in the pix. Candy Apple Red!! Then he quickly sprayed it and saturday gave it 2 coats of varnish because he'd be leaving sunday morning. The pix below is the result. This was a "quick fix" and if it starts splintering again hubs said we'll get better plywood and paint and varnish BEFORE the wheels of the chair crunch it! But I really love it now that I'm used to it. However, if it has to be redone I'm going "PINK"!!!!!!

Now, the other of the roses office chair cover I ordered and it arrived today!!! I couldn't have been more delighted with it!!! il est adorable, non?!?! I absolutely adore it and just had to share as quickly as these fingers could type, my little cupcakes!!!!!!!! Isn't this space just beautiful?!?!?!?!?! I love it!


  1. WooHoo great chair cover but you already know how I feel about that chair pad. PAINT IT!!!!!!!!

  2. That chair cover is divine! And the red on the board is growing on me. LOL.

  3. Connie, that is a really cool and very pretty chair cover! I am really impressed! I hope the board does not splinter. I enjoy looking at your blog EVERYDAY!

  4. Soooo pretty, Connie!! The chair cover tones down the red, I think. I'd leave it the way it is. It's inspiring!

    Aunt May's Cottage

  5. Love the cover on that chair! What a great idea.I know what you mean about the rollers on your desk chair. They did the same thing to my carpet and I got rid of the modern desk chair and opted for an antique chair. If I still had my chair with rollers, I would love to have a cover on it like yours!

  6. Connie what a gorgeous chair cover.

  7. Oh Connie love it! Now paint the chair arms pink!

  8. Connie; oh how I love the floor and the chair cover is to die for. Where did you find it? You have such great ideas, I find that when I come up with something great My Honey Bunny that's what I have been calling hubby for years. He just runs and Hides, not sure why. lol; But the sweet man that he is he does go along with it. And thank you for stopping by for a visit, it meant the world to me. Have a great day and stop again.


  9. Connie, that's a great idea for the chair cover,it's beautiful and it matches your other things beautifully. I'm going to wait to see how the floor cover does under pressure. If it gives you it's best, (and you deserve the best) then I'll give it a thumbs up. Deb

  10. Ok, that's the coolest office chair yet! I gotta try to make one. And then when I fail, I'm going to contact your gal =) Blessings... Polly (p.s. the plywood looks pretty awesome too)

  11. YOU LOVE RONDA'S CHAIRCOVERS, TOO! Isn't she the BEST. I'm so thrilled with mine and can't wait to find a few chairs around to add some more!

    Stop by my blog and visit -- I'm having a giveaway of one of my handmade felted bags!

    Hugs, Ronda

  12. Oh and PS, no captcha for my giveaway!!

    The other giveaway I mentioned to you will have to wait until my 100th post!

  13. Oh, wow... Oh, wow! Oh, wow!!! WOW!!!!!!!!! I adore that chair cover. My gosh that is lovely! My computer chair that I live in and on (think no padding left and ripped leather) needs help. And you just lit up my light bulb. THANKS!

  14. Hi Connie,
    Love the slpicover. I'm off to have a look in her store right now!!!

  15. OMG! Love the chair cover! How cute! Now I want one!

    Hey, I'm having a giveaway over on my blog. Not sure if you would be interested in it or not but you may want to take a peek.


  16. Oh thanks for sharing, I need a slipcover for my office chairs.
    what kind of convention is your hubbie going to? sorry if im being too nosie.

  17. I've been lurking on your blog for a couple of days now and just have to pipe up that you are a riot!!! I get such a kick out of the things you post and your eloquent way with words!! You brighten my day and I thank you!!

  18. that chair cover is pretty & sweet.. fit for a Queen home like you.. hehehehe..

    and I think you should paint the board pink ASAP.. hehehehe.. then you got matching pair!.. hehehe

    oh don't forget the chair armrest and the leg too!.. hehehehe

  19. Love Bunny has a model train room? Does he want a girlfriend???

  20. Well sweet cheeks YOU are Beautiful too! Oh just as beautiful as the chair cover! NO, WAIT...even more beautiful!
    Love ya and LOVE LOVE LOVE (did i mention LOVE) that chair cover.
    Im PINK with envy..because greens really not my colour, LOL.

    Big kiss,
    Shann x

  21. Connie!!!
    I thought for sure you would be able to tell me what dressing to the nines actually means!!

  22. Ohhh how divine that chair cover is. I wish I could make one for my chair at work. I'm just sure the guys here in my office would LOVE it. NOT!


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