Tuesday, April 15, 2008

New Architectural Element

I had to update living room!

Not much difference except that I changed the architectural element in my living room over the sofa. I have high ceilings and have wondered for 3 years how to do something to bring them down to size. This is my start.

I'm the kind of person that doesn't care for major changes when I finally find something I like. Oh, it may come but it won't come frequently. Any other ideas??? I'm open, chickadees. Just don't take away my shabby roses pillows or my "fluff"!!


  1. It looks great !!! Wouldn't change a thing. :) I love your new header !!

  2. So pretty! I just love architectural elements!! Is that a RA framed plate on the left wall?

    Such a pretty new banner, too! Don't change a thing ~ it's perfect!

    Big Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  3. I really love how it looks and I for one wouldn't change a thing.

    It is lovely my friend. Miss you and hope all is well with you and everyone else.

  4. Hi Connie! I think it looks beautiful! I wouldnt change a thing either :)

    Love ya,

  5. Hmmm... it's pretty how it is. The only thing that I might do is to have lighter curtains. About exchanging links, that would be wonderful. Feel free to mention me in your Sunday discussion =) Have a wonderful evening. Blessings... Polly

  6. Hi Connie! Back to view your lovely rooms.(again) I always enjoy it here. Regards Pearl


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