Monday, February 4, 2008

Roses and Buffalo Checks!

A cottage in a ski town with a LOT of junker finds is this sweet cottage. The owner of this house chopped down the pedestal and painted the coffee table white. She then made all the slipcovers and pillows. Multi talented lady. But look how everything just seems to go together with her "styling hand"!

Her dining room is the epitome of graciousness with the touches she has applied here also. Now I wouldn't call that chandelier "crystal elegance" but somehow it just works here. She's painted some chairs black and some white and one is even slipcovered. The table underneath that black and white check table with the lace drape isn't elegant at all but with the beautiful cloths over it who in the world would know? It goes so well with her black and pink curtains on one window and the lace and topper on the other window. I had to do the same thing in my living room because of a small side window - just put a lace curtain and a small drawn back drape because of its size. Works though!!

A small entry near the stairs is more victorian looking with an antique sofa and then another sofa with black and white checks and a "hint of pink" on the wall. A pot of flowers is hanging with a mirror and what a statement it makes! A throw made out of her favorite fabric matches the other rooms in close proximity to this entry.

A lounge chair with more of her favorite flowered fabric in an upstairs hallway is surrounded with candy apple red walls and a "vacant" old frame letting the beauty of that red show through. The other frames have mirrors reflecting the walls and are hung high and low also - something I've done and recommended assiduously for years. Remember HIGH and low!

Her yellow and red guest bedroom looks like some place we'd all like to hunker down in! A collection of hats hung vertically down a wall and the little birdhouses make her statement. A miniature chair on the bedside table and on the chest mimics the larger one on the floor beside her chest. Notice how many different roses fabrics she has on just that one window making a very bold statement. Think "remnant fabrics" here and create your own style! The golden yellow of the walls make it such a cheery place and the red quilt and pillows just punches it up a notch. The plaid border brings it all together in this room.

This is another view of the room and sweet vignette she has on the wall.

The kitchen window has not been finished yet but she didn't let that stop her from making it beautiful to look at with some viney branches and a bit of lace drawn back at the window and then some tacked on to the sill. Maybe she has one of those hubbies whose list of honey dos far exceed his time to get them done!

Maybe I'm just "into" checks today but I thought this is rather bold also - a white sectional sofa and red buffalo checks with flowers. I'd call this "feminine/frou frouy country"! I really do like this room with all the antique touches with a girlie girl feel.

And what a bedroom! Red walls, tole trays, antique mirror and painted wicker trunk, black and white buffalo checks, beautiful shawl hanging from pegs along with an old straw hat, beautiful roses rug and luxurious bed linens.

This is another part of her bedroom - a wicker chaise lounge with white lace pillow, wicker table and chair for writing and layered lace at the window. Notice her collection of purses hanging on the wall and the cute white curio cabinet hanging above the desk. Just a lovely place for an afternoon of relaxing.


  1. Connie, once again you have put together the best in decor! I love the bedroom in the reds and yellow. I just did our master like this. Love it all. Can't wait to see what you showcase next!
    La Rea Rose

  2. Love it. The yellow bedroom really floats my boat. Love, Esther


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