Thursday, February 7, 2008

Don't Tell Me You're Photographing My Food Again!!

And this is after it's cooked for about 9 hours! It's yummy!!

OR the Great Chile Recipe!!
OR hubbies just don't get "blogging"!!

I've made chili for 45 years but decided about 7 or 8 years ago to come up with my own recipe instead of making it from a cookbook. I like it much better. The main reason is the chili powders I found back then. The pictures below are a pot of chili that is simmering on my stove today. I cook it all day long so the pot below isn't simmered down yet, but I am very visual and have to include pix with most everything I send people. (Much to their consternation, I afraid.) :-) Anyway, today I'm sharing with you a truly great recipe with specialty chili powders that you can find at most any Mexican market. DO NOT use the regular chili powder you see in the spice section of your local supermarkets; the taste difference is definitely in the chili powder. Oh, and the alcohol in the wine cooks off for those of us who are non-alcoholic drinkers. (ME!) But the taste is superb and the recipe is below scanned from my actual recipe card.

Oh, and if your hubby views this over your shoulder and wonders at the pix????? Just tell him it's a chick "blogger" thing! He'll never understand that, but then again, hubbies just don't get the blogger OR the shabby thing!! Hah. But that's another story completely, chickadees! Sigh.............


  1. Well I'll be the first to "prattle on" as you said, how funny. Looks delish, thanks Connie! Katie

  2. Connie, it looks delish! I'll have to give it a try.
    Shirl shirls rose cottage

  3. Oh I am drooling! That looks so good Connie, I definitely need to try this if I can find the chile powder!

    Love ya!
    Amy (aka Bunny)

  4. I've been needing a great chilli recipe...Thanks! I can't wait to try it out.


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