Friday, December 28, 2007

Cleaning Out the Fabric Stash!!

There comes a time (or two or three) in every woman's life when the fabric stash needs "re-inventing"! This week was it for me. For a couple of months now I've dreaded going into my sewing room to create. Last week I decided that this was going to be the week I "cleaned" it out. Now, "cleaning" out is a relative term for me. A "clean house" is just that - go through and vacuum, mop, dust, etc. But a "clean" fabric/sewing room is something different. For me, it means "rearranging" the fabric and stuffing a bit of it in medium size boxes to put up in the garage attic. Not much but just a bit to satisfy the hubby! Get my drift here???!!! So below you'll see the difference from the first 2 pictures to the bottom 2 pictures.

First, you have to realize this required 2 trips to Home Depot and 2 trips to Wal Mart for said hubby who didn't truly understand my instructions in the first place. My habit of saving my notes/instructions only helped to prove I was right in the first place and had he listened there would not have been 2 trips to Home Depot. ;-)

New shelving was the first order of the day and I have to say it is amazing to see the room taking shape so nicely. Still working at it, but here are a few pix to show how it is coming along.


  1. Oh, I am so proud of you !! It looks ready for all of the wonderful things you will make this year !! :)

  2. Im new to your fun! its nice to meet you. Please come visit me...Im having a giveaway!! Laurie

  3. WHAT??!! You LIKE fruitcake??!! Well...YOU WON it! Yea!! LOL. Please email me your address. Mine is
    Be sure and send rhea some!!lol

  4. Oh Connie,
    THANK YOU SO MUCH for posting pictures.....makes me feel normal and makes me realize that there are more of us out there who need to "re-invent" our work areas.
    I don't sew but I LOVE FABRICS both old and new. I love stashing fabrics and linens....LOL
    Thanks for stopping by my blog,
    Amy (Mom to the Four Sisters)


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