Sunday, October 21, 2007

Grandmas Living Room, Trellis & Luncheon

These are 3 more of some favorites of mine by Susan Rios. One is set for a luncheon or tea with white wicker and a lovely setting with Olivia on it - the name of Susan's daughter.

The trellis one is the very first picture I saw of Susan's in Victoria magazine in the middle 1980s. I fell in love with her paintings then.

The top picture of the maroon horsehair sofa with linen pillows and antimacassars on the arms of the chair. Just reminds most of us of our grandmother's house.

Sigh, softer times. More photos will follow in the next few days.


  1. Oh more gorgeous pictires! I love the arbor one. It would be so nice to have something like that in my backyard to sit in and drink tea!!


  2. I love the Grandmother's house!



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