Monday, April 16, 2007

Oh My Goodness!!!

I bought a little suitcase/storage box recently on ebay and it arrived today. It is adorable and pictured here on the right. It came in a box with a little sachet that is smelling up the room as I type with the fragrance of vanilla! What a sweet thought for that lady to send it. I love the decorated little suitcase of course, but to receive an additional little gift was an act of graciousness we don't often receive. I thank you for it and wanted you all to enjoy it.


  1. That is a very beautiful case, such a great find...

  2. Thanks, I thought so too. Take the plunge and go "PINK!" Hubby will love it when you are through. Connie

  3. Miss Emma says she loves your pretty lil suitcase!
    Her gramma gave her one as an easter basket filled with girly goodies!!!!{see my blog}

    Tra la la la la la la la laaaaaa!

    smooches, Miss Emma n Gramma

  4. Well, that's a neat thing to collect! Show us! And give Miss Emma a kiss from me - now I know that'll break your heart - kissin' that cutie!! Riiiight............


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