Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Something I've Wanted To Do

First of all, I'd like to say "thank you" to Susan of betweennapsontheporch for giving me some help recently. What a sweetheart!

Ever since earlier this year when Natasha had a "refurbishing" party for a piece of clothing I've wanted to do something. I didn't participate then because of time
doesn't it always seem to get away from us? So recently I decided to commit to myself to do a bit of something to a vintage prom dress that I bought from Bertie. It isn't very much but it does kind of pizzazz the dress up a bit and it makes my heart feel good plus I just love looking at it here in my office.

A ribbon rose I made many years ago and took off a lamp shade that I refurbished a few years ago. Then some organdy ribbon tied at the shoulders.

Plus a pink ribbon at the waist line to add even more color. Then some white posies at the waist line also. It looks a lot different than it did when it was all white.

Hmmmm, I wonder what this will turn out to be?!?! You'll find out in a few days probably.